How Can We Overcome Fear?? 2018 Transformation Challenge

Want to become the most incredible, unstoppable version of yourself? Want to take on all new challenges, explore new ideas, grow and transform yourself?

Then the answer is to overcome your fear. Your fear is what is holding you back. Your fear is what is making you less capable and is what is taking away from your happiness and your fulfillment.

It’s time we destroyed fear once and for all and unlocked


Some of the most fearless, formidable warriors of all were the samurai. So how did they achieve this complete lack of fear?

There was a technique that the samurai would practice right before battle in order to eliminate their fear. They would vividly imagine every possible way that they could be killed. They would imagine being impaled, dismembered and decapitated. Then they would focus on accepting these possibilities and coming to terms with them. They would become okay with a horrific and brutal death.

You’d think this would make them more fearful but paradoxically, it empowered them to be the completely ruthless, fearless warriors that they were. This makes sense: if you fear death, then you will fear life.

Stoic Philosophers

Stoics believed that the secret to happiness was to be prepared for all the worst possible outcomes and to live inside those possibilities. They thought that blind optimism was one of the quickest ways to leave yourself miserable and

Think about it: if you constantly expect the worst and get the best, then you are going to find yourself feeling either pleasantly surprised or getting what you expect. If you constantly expect the best and get the worst, you are going
to be consistently disappointed.

If you accept that negative things happen and you’ve prepared for them, then there is no reason not to take chances and risks.

Prepare for the Worst and Jump into Everything

When we have an understanding of what may happen or know of the worst possible circumstances (death) and come to terms with it. Nothing can hold us back from taking a chance or risk to achieve our dreams.

You can’t live your life in fear.

So, jump!

Keep pushing yourself and challenging yourself. Keep subjecting yourself to the very things you find daunting. Fear is a good’s a sign that you’re growing.

Keep your eye on the prize: if you can eventually eliminate fear, you can take on any challenge and succeed.

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