I Never Created until Steemit and it's Changing My Life!

I never created.

My network was terrible.

My posts got zero shares, likes or comments.

I wrote and wrote, but my connections never got value.

During this time, I learned something magical:

Success with your network is based on how much value we create for others.

Not how many books you read or how many “connections” you have.

My problem. I had little skill and no connections.

Something needed to change… I needed to change.

To improve, I stopped…

  • cold calling without intense prior research

  • talking about my company

  • asking for things

Instead, I write posts on Steemit and other social media networks.

And each day, for the next month, I posted….every day.

Suddenly, people are noticing my ability to provide value.

My posts are starting to get shares, likes, and comments. I left obscurity and found a community of creators.

My connections are starting to soar. Everything is changing. CEO’s, Founders, and Venture Capitalists are starting to cold message ME.

Now, I create 99% of the time. I give value with every word, sentence, and conversation.

To quote a friend: “If you’re not on a successful track, then ask yourself:

Am I a consumer or a creator?”

My Previous Posts

The Stress Crab Story

The Positives of Failure

Thoughts Turn to Actions but You Can't have Your Mind so Busy!!

A Little Story We Could All Learn From

The Armani Factor - If You Look Like A Million Bucks, You Will Act Like a Millionaire

What Happens When We Die?? - Random Thoughts

Be as Disciplined as a Solider!

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