Procrastination Destroys Us!!

Procrastination Weakens Us

Often times we regret the things we haven't done, rather then what we have attempted or accomplished. This is a pattern of not having the confidence in what we are doing. Second guessing usually always ends up being the wrong choice. Because you do not know in the first place, you trying to figure it out and guess is not really going to help.

Making a decision is a decision in itself.

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Reoccurring Thoughts

If you do not know how to make decisions promptly, you will hesitate, thus building on doubt, fear, and being indecisive. Creating these patterns will promote the illusion in yourself that it's fine to wait and get more information. Your mind will make up all the excuses to prevent you from taking action because that is the vibration you are use to. (Body pattern)

You should know what you want and act on it immediately. When this is done naturally, you are not creating any negative energy blocks and have now allowed the best answer to appear to you . This will only happen when you do not force anything and do not allow negative energies enter your mind (fear,doubt,worry,pride).

It will create confusion in your answers, all done by your own emotions and not your intelligence. Your feelings could be strong and almost assuring you that what your feeling is true. Do not be blinded buy this, emotions do not give you the truth or correct answers to anything.

Change Your Habits

This does not just apply to hard complicated decisions. More importantly, this applies to the simpler tasks and creating good habits that can change your life!

For example going to work out. Sometimes we feel lazy and choose to skip our physical activities or cut them short. When you think that you should go work out or do another 10 minutes and then your mind jumps in telling you, NO! I am tired! Let's go home. When you have trained your mind to be decisive, you will act immediately and do exactly what you need to do. You will discover that you are not actually tired but your mind is just playing tricks on you because of what it has learned in the past.

Once you understand and apply this to your everyday life, you will complete so many more tasks then you would of and your progression will be full blast! This is why many successful people thrive so well and is such a staple to their success.

The mind is very powerful. If you are not clear on how it is functioning and shaping your life, then you need to start learning about it, as it will improve all of it greatly. Also this shows that you are a leader and take action... an added bonus!

Watch the video, I go in more detail

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