Shadow Professionals for Better Success

Learn From the Pros

How do some people have success much faster than others? Are they built genetically different? Have more intelligence then others in the industry? In most cases, they are shadowing professionals that are already very successful and learning the tricks of the trade from them.

When you have somebody to follow and mimic, you can increase in leaps and bounds with your progress. Most of us are testing everything for ourselves. Not only are we testing it, we continue to make the same mistakes many times over.

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GPS You're Life

We often get stuck in this trap because of our ego, our negative emotions keeping us down, trying to be right in our own mind instead of just swallowing our pride and doing what we need to do. Pride, envy, fear, and not wanting to be wrong and feeling like we are stupid if we do not do it on our own destroys us.*

So we don’t ask for help because we are afraid of saying we do not understand, we are wrong, we messed up, ect. Now we just keep on figuring out how to do it on our own. Would you these days not use a GPS when you are in another country or city? Do you just drive around each street taking a look if this is the right way? No you either have a GPS or you will ask others how to get where you need to be.

Teachers Speed Up Our Progress

But when it comes down to business, our success, our personal development, we keep trying things that we think will work and usually do not and then often make that mistake dozens of times before we are fed up and change our choices.

As mentioned before, this is why the best have coaches, mentors, and teachers, and humble themselves to get the constructive criticism they need. We see this all the time in corporations or businesses also; they often have you shadow an upper management employee to pick up what to do quicker.

For some reason in our own lives many do not want to take the criticism, invest in a mentor, or be wrong enough to tell somebody and ask for help.

When you have someone to shadow they tell you first what to do and second they watch what you do and correct you right on the spot. This excels the learning curve to a point where you can shed years of your time and resources. It may take you a whole 12 months to get step 1 down but when shadowing a professional you can get to step 5 in a short couple of weeks.

Mimic The Best There Is!

I love to analyze people and see this all the time. People in their early 20s that have accomplished more than others that would take their whole life, if they were to get there at all.

It is tough to find somebody that is willing to do this for free. Look to invest some money in a great teacher that is in a position that you would love to be in but make sure you think BIG! Otherwise you may have to join a company or business that has successful people or a boss that you can shadow and is willing to teach you as you work. This is why many students work in internships of course. They work for free but get so much value out of it, that it makes it well worth it.

Find your teachers, ask for help, be open to their criticism and you can increase your odds of being successful in a much shorter time frame.

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