When You Choose to Accept, You Now Open Up The Flow To Receive Everything You Want! You Must Give to Receive... Let me explain

To receive anything, to have anyone enter your life, or even just being happy you must be willing to accept it before hand to allow it in your life. Let me explain below.

Did you ever meet somebody who would not accept a compliment or something for free? They thought they were undeserving and not willing to accept what somebody wanted to give them.

When you accept a compliment you are keeping the flow of good coming in. This is prosperity!!

Not only are you not accepting great new things of this world to enter your life to make it better and everybody else's around you... You are denying the gift of love the other person is wanting to share with you. Accepting gifts or anything is not just about you! You should allow the other person to give because that is what they want to do and makes them feel great!!

Begin to rejoice in prosperity everywhere as this will increase the flow more and more!

When you receive something such as money, jobs, gifts, information, and so on... rejoice and thank the universe! This is telling the universe that you appreciate this and want more and it will delivery!

This opens up your consciousness to receive more and it is working even if it's something small. By you being grateful and appreciative, you are allowing the universe to send you more. This will also create a better awareness to see and receive more for something new to enter your life.

Do not be afraid to let go because something new is ready to enter. Clean out old items in your life, remove negative friends or people, clean up your environment such as your house, room or car. Clutter causes confusion and build up in the mind of unnecessary thoughts which will prevent you from seeing or focusing on new things coming. Too much clutter physically or in the mind will prevent new things making there way in.

This theory goes hand in hand with the Law of Exchange. Which is "you must give something out to get something in return". Most people would get this confused with having to give something physical out but that is far from the case. You can give the acceptance to receive! This is what you are giving! You are allowing the other person to give and have that very special feeling.

Not so hard is it?

Rejoice in your abundance. Be grateful for everything you have and this will bring more of what you want in life. Be appreciative to awaken each day and experience a new day. Be glad to be alive, to be healthy, to have friends, to be creative (steemit), to be a living example of the joy of living. Live to your highest awareness and enjoy your transformation.


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