Why Do People Become Corrupt With Power?

Lots of talk about Celebrities and how they are super corrupt lately with the whole Harvey Weinstein scandals happening.
This brings me to a topic I’ve thought about many times before. It is the problem of becoming to rich, too famous, too much power, building up too much ego before you understand Who you really are and what your morals are you stand for, no matter what.
The specific one I always thought about was money. I see how many people get a little money, they can change into a self centered, materialist, ego boosting person which is creating a different identity from your true self.
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My Fortunate Story

I’ve been fortunate to do well early on in my life but always very fortunate to have an inner voice that always told me truth, I could never lie to myself. I also always thought about the future even as a late teen/early 20s guy and listened to a few wise elders that told me not to get caught up in the weak things in life. Such as going out to party always, buying the expensive gifts for yourself, ect. I very much am an analyzing person of people and situations, seeing what happens when people do this...what is the outcome usually, ect. This kept me the straight and arrow pathway.
I was not perfect at all, not even close and did do these things but on such a minuscule level. (At least on the buying useless things) I loved having money in my pocket over how I was perceived in the world. And I was around many superficial people so it wasn’t that easy but I stuck to it. (Not easy when people think you are not accomplishing much but you are and have to keep it to yourself) At times I had a very bad ego in my perspective but I had some very big humblings with money, taking some big losses and resetting my thinking.
Please read on it is not just about money...

When I look back in my early 20s to mid 20s, I did not know squat and it was so possible for me to get caught up in my own self and start to buying things that could of boosted my ego 10 fold. I had a pretty good head on my shoulders compared to some but when I think back now (30), of what I knew and how conscious I was about things... I did not know nothing!! I could of got lost in the sauce very easily!!
So what I always thought was...people should not get rich quick, they have to be very careful because this can happen very easily to a young person not in control of there thoughts and emotions. This relates to all the topics mentioned earlier.
As for the celebrities, they get caught up in there self too early and then almost seems like they can never turn back. They create new identities of some special person, that needs to be center of attention, put on a petal-stil, expanding there ego and then eventually having too much power that they tend to use for there own personally gain to fuel it even more.
What happens is you venture off on a pathway (new identity) and then it becomes problem-som because your true essence does not want this. We want love, happiness, truth, understanding, and clarity of ourselves and everything around us.
When you are not yourself or an expanding version of yourself, you eventually don’t know who you are, or what you want. Then you get worried, have anxiety, and all those fun things when things get quite and it is just yourself there thinking.
This is why is my previous video about Jim Carrey, I had to give him props for saying some very wise words coming from a major celebrity. He told an interviewer, I do not matter, we do not matter, this award show is irrelevant, we are just energy here all just doing nothing and we don’t matter...and she looked at him like he is crazy. Well I think that was very powerful because it even stroke a light bulb in myself, humbling my ego and self. Putting an amazing perspective into us people and myself.
A Spiritual Guru Once Told Me....
A guru I have followed for years once talked about how we are so insignificant, even if the top richest people on the planet died, the world would still go on perfectly. Does that put perspective on how little we all are...? I think so.
Suicide With The Rich and Famous
Did you ever wonder why these super successful, rich, have great families, so much love in there life from fans, famous people commit suicide?
I do not know for sure but what I have thought about is they lose themselves, there true identity, and then one day they have some conscious thoughts about themselves and are so off there path of self that they freak out, trip out and can’t stand the truth or thoughts that come into there life. Something along those lines... But that is just one theory from me...
I think all those factors of power, money, ego, ect have to be super careful with, we have to be super strong willed, know ourselves very well and have a set of morals and standards we will stand by for the rest of our lives or you can corrupt your own self. I think it is very easy to create corruption when you have power. Many of these celebrities are proving that as all these scandals come out. Even the sometimes most innocent (or so we think) become sick corrupt people.
Other People With Power that Become Corrupt

Last night I was just watching a video on Mexican cartels and groups that had to step up to fight them because they were destroying there lives in the towns they lived. They were humanitarian groups, good people that wanted to restore peace in there communities. From what I read, there was a recent Netflix documentary that showed many of these groups eventually turned into violent criminal cartels. That almost put the nail in the coffin in regards to this subject for me. It seems it happens to everyone everywhere.
What also makes it worse is you forget who you are or what you are doing/stand for and then when the times comes of hearing your true loving self, many numb themselves with drugs and alcohol. Which creates more imbalances and makes it tougher to get back to neutral.
Love All

I think the best thing for people to do, is work on themselves in their early part of their life. Get to know your true self, understand what you want to do in your life, your purpose and what you stand for. Have good morals that you want to stand for.
Love is one of the highest and greatest emotions, we all have it and all want it. Every person has love for somebody and that is because you like how it feels, so find love and create tons. Don't just love who is close to you for that is corruption but LOVE ALL!!
This will help put you on good paths and keep you strong when you may have weaknesses.
Let me know you thoughts on this topic, it interests me a ton!!!
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My recent trip to Mexico