The Stories of my Tattoos: Part 6, Where the Wild Things Are


So, the “Wild Things” have been a big part of our life for a very long time. I don’t know why, but the book by Maurice Sendak of “Where the Wild Things Are” was always a favorite. I, of course, did all the crazy wild thing sounds and maybe that’s why the kids loved it so much :) I had the book memorized, along with Dr. Seuss’s ABCs, several sets of Sesame Street books and many others, but the Wild Things have always been very… “Us” I even painted them on my husband’s leather jacket back when we lived on the road and I was painting on motorcycles and leather.


I have photos of the kids reading the book to their dolls and toys.


I have sketches from my two artsy girls of their versions of the Wild Things (including the Max on my tattoo that was drawn by my middle daughter Paris when she was younger).

I even had a puppet show for a while that I did with my girls with a monkey puppet that I actually made and voiced. On that show, “Bean” the monkey read the Wild Things book with a younger @abyni

I had giant Wild Things painted in my hallway until we repainted in order to sell the house.



Anyway, this tattoo is part of a planned eventual sleeve. I’m hoping to get all of my kids (and maybe grandkids in the future) to draw me their own favorite/version of the “Wild Thing” to add to this arm. For now, it just makes me happy because it reminds me of all of our fun story times and all that. This isn’t my only cartoon themed tattoo and certainly won’t be the last by a long shot, but this one is probably more meaningful to me than the other, more ‘serious’ tattoos because it is just so… Me. So telling of our whole family and I love it.


And that is the story of one of my favorite tattoos... a reminder of my kids, being a parent/mom to a young bunch of kids and the sweet memories of those days. Raising kids was something I always wanted to do from a young age and it is still the best thing I've ever done. :)

More About Me:
My #introduceyourself post

My First Tattoo (and other stupid decisions)

Tattoo #2: The Other Side of Married Life

Tattoo #3: What Goes Around Comes Around

Tattoo #4: The One with the Dragon

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