Success Is A Mountain

We're all climbers. Climbers clamouring to get to the top of a mountain that has no peak. We're hellbent on reaching the top, a mere figment of our imagination. We're so intent on reaching the summit, most of us don't even know why we started climbing in the first place. The climb to success is a strange expedition.

North Americans live in a success-driven society. We constantly seek improvements, enhancements, amendments, adjustments - all in the hopes of eking out a little more progress towards an arbitrary ideal of success. This notion of success being of paramount importance is not your own idea. It's implanted in your mind by thousands of advertisements. It's passed onto you through the constant refrain of those that have already been indoctrinated into the cult of success.

I get caught up in this endless pursuit of success too, but I feel it comes at a high cost. The need for success makes me fearful of doing what I truly want to do, for fear of losing face in the eyes of others if I fail. Wanting success makes me worried that expressing who I really am and what I actually think will compromise my chances at a good life down the road. Success urges us to fall in line, make the "smart" decision, and to snuff out anything else that doesn't contribute to our chances of "succeeding". Whatever the hell that means, right?

For most people, there will never be enough success. There's always another promotion that earns a new title. There's always another dollar to make. There's always another award to strive for. The pursuit is relentless, and the climb is never ending.

But, if you never stop climbing, how will you ever enjoy the view? Perhaps, if you were to stop, and survey the land, you'd have a moment to ponder why you started climbing in the first place. You'll realize you can stop, right here, and that would be fine. Or you'll realize that you can climb down now, if you feel inclined. Or, after this moment to breathe, you can continue your climb with greater resolution, knowing that you'd like to go a little higher still.

But make sure to stop at some point and enjoy the view. It's what makes the climb worthwhile.

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