Die CONFIDENT or fearful...your choice??... (VIDEO) A.N.Y. Question #10

Are you gaining or losing self-confidence as you get older?

"Have you given any thought of what kind of person you want to be when you are older? Notice I didn’t say anything about status or your list of possessions; those things provide little comfort to you on your deathbed. This is about character and self-confidence as we age."

Hey Everyone!

We at the Common Guru are excited to present to you the next video in our A New Year (A.N.Y.), a new way question series!

For our readers out there, here the corresponding written article for your reading enjoyment.

I look forward to hearing your responses, comments or feedback. Thanks for watching! :)


Question #9 VIDEO
Question #8 VIDEO
Question #7 VIDEO
Question #6 VIDEO
Question #5 VIDEO
Question #4 VIDEO
Question #3 VIDEO
Question #2 VIDEO
Question #2 VIDEO
Introductory Video

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