Do You Make Money On Steemit? - Knowing I'm reaching people keeps me going - BONUS STORY at the end

Lately I've been spreading the word a bit about Steemit. I'm hoping that it won't be long before I start getting that common question like I do for YouTube. Many many people think I get rich making YouTube videos (Boy are they wrong), and the common question is...

Do you make money on YouTube?

or, another variation of the question is: Dang boy, how much you makin' on youtube?

The reality is that making money on YouTube isn't easy in my experience. I've worked long and hard to achieve this little bit of monthly earnings. Some days I ask myself...

Is it really worth it?

Sharing my story and passion has been loads of fun, but making it sustainable has been a major frustration.

Steemit is breathing new life into my hopes of someday sharing my story in a sustainable way. My wife has been very supportive, but there are times she really hates that I have to go edit videos instead of spending time with the family. Finding that balance has been a real challenge. The logical conclusion to my time issue is to just quit my job. Yep, that would free up my time to share my story and to help people all over the world way more... except there's that money thing.

Here's what is motivating me to keep going.

I have received private messages from people saying things like:

"I have no father. Your videos make me feel like someone loves me."

"You have really encouraged me to live better. Your videos are calming and encouraging"

"I felt like quitting school. I feel like a failure, but chatting with you has helped me want to keep going."

"Dang, you are sexy."

Um, ok... that last one is NOT a reason I keep going, but feeling like I'm reaching people in need has kept the fire lit in me to keep sharing my story. This takes a lot of time! I wish I could do it for free and never worry about the money part. Unfortunately money is a reality. My mortgage needs paid and the kids need fed.

Thank you for sharing with me in this community to help grow Steemit as a platform. I look forward to making this my new home and place to share my story. @mericanhomestead @papa-pepper and others here have been a real inspiration to me. It's going to be real fun getting to know more of you as we travel this road together.

video of common questions I get on YouTube

Bonus Story - A Boy In India:

I met a boy in India. Well, actually we met online because of my YouTube channel. He was very interested in how to integrate the concepts of the old world farming that his grandfather was doing with technology. Technology was his "way out" his "way up" but he loves the fields and the crops. This topic helped us develop a relationship.

Our chatting has carried on for years now. When we first started chatting, my friend was 18 and struggling in school. He's very bright but the academic world was a real struggle for him. I answered a lot of questions and gave him a lot of encouragement. He gives me credit for helping him to graduate. He went on to college to get a degree.

My friend has started several businesses. One of them is an educational setting where he helps others learn English for business. He claims that I inspired him to help others like this. Another business is that of programming and website design. Again he gives me (way too much) credit.

Now he is married (I was invited to his wedding but travel to India was to costly for me) and his wife is pregnant with their first child. All along the way he has leaned on me for life's questions. I'm so happy to answer them the best I can.

All that credit that he is giving me is not to my glory. Truly I don't want the credit. The culture differences make it difficult to share this message with him, but I let him know that I'm nothing special. It is the power of Christ that lives in me that allows me to give so much. I believe that very much.

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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