A traditional market in a un-traditional way - neat, clean and coffee inside! 有趣的台北天母士東市場

2 months ago, I had shown you how a traditional market in Taiwan looks like ..  

Follow me grocery shopping in a traditional Chinese market in Taiwan 台灣傳統市場走一回

But it is a common market - nothing new to us locals. This time let me show you the best of the best, from locals' view, traditional market here. Shi Dong market is located in Tian Mu, a neighborhood located in northern Taipei. Tian Mu is best known as an enclave for Taiwan's US expatriate community. From the mid 1950s to 1979, when the US broke formal ties with Taiwan, large portions of the US Armed Forces and their families stationed in Taiwan lived here. So this place has the western (American) ambiance since then - food, restaurants, stores, ... you can find a western way of life here. So no surprise a lot of foreigners live here. 

See my previous post for Tian Mu 's street in Halloween decorations!


However, Shi Dong market is still just a traditional market and what is un-traditional is that it is neat and clean... It is even air-conditioned! People here often regard it as the most modern traditional market in Taiwan ... but whether it is most likable it really depends ... some people don't like markets to be too clean, if you know what I mean ...  

Still, it is quite nice for me to finally have a chance to check it out (it is not subway friendly). So I share this experience with you here. This time I just show you the first floor. Next time we can go upstairs to check the food court and the delicious meal we had.


Let's go! 

Vegetables and fruits ... neatly assorted and displayed. 蔬菜水果,擺放整齊。

Meat and Fish ... raw or cooked ... take your pick! see how these stalls are really clean ... of course, by Asia standard ... 各式海鮮與肉類,生食與熟食,任君挑選。

Bean products of all kinds ... EVEN handmade soybean soaps !! 豆類製品是亞洲市場必備,這裡甚至有豆漿肥皂!

Florist, grocery stores ... anything you might need in your daily life. 四行倉庫!!

What about coffee!? I need coffee! .... Oh, yeah, here is a cute little cafe that offers good coffee but you don't get to sit down though ... a young man runs it with passion! 市場裡面竟然有個可愛的咖啡小店,賣各式手沖咖啡,是個熱情的年輕人經營的,買累了可以來杯咖啡,只是沒有座位喔!

Okay, and here is its outlook and entrance... 

I hope you like this shopping sight seeing and the coffee! See you next time. 分享完畢!下次上樓吃好吃的去!

 (a pepper signature gift from @papa-pepper!) 

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