We did it - we topped 2015!! And what an incredible, juicy year it's been...
We started off feeding people free meals, then we fed people every day for 12 months straight, and we wrapped it up by feeding more people.

We kicked off a series of free classes and workshops at the Eden Oasis Spa in Arlington,

and took our healing vortex to Tucson to offer our services by donation in the desert at the International Gem and Mineral Show.

When we returned, we held it down at Earth Day Texas.

As the weather warmed up, we hosted regular volunteer days.

We mobilized our Epic Threads Boutique to offer our unique, handmade, and custom treasures at multiple music festivals in the Hill Country of Texas.

We launched Epic Handmade Knives and 2 Etsy shops to spread the word that we offer REAL GOODS IN EXCHANGE FOR REAL GOOD - the proceeds from every useful item we sell are dedicated towards building a healthier, happier, more sustainable world for ALL!

Quinn shared some primal wisdom in a series of survival workshops for members at the Garden of Eden.

We built a teeny tiny home village.

We went to dozens of shows, festivals, and fairs to share our options for health and wellness by donation towards feeding, clothing, housing, and educating people.

We hosted an epic Summer Solstice Celebration.

We expanded our honorable tobacco enterprise to bring organic homegrown to more people.

We celebrated the girls' birthdays existences.

Shellie ( @everlove ) laid a gallery of flooring masterpieces.

We enjoyed the garden's bounty.

And then, we found Steemit and got. it. on.

We switched our social media strategy and began using Steemit as our primary platform for sharing our wealth of knowledge and experience (check out our library here!), using other outlets almost solely to promote our Steemit posts.

We launched a super sustainable line of hand painted Steemit gear and joined the Peerhub Marketplace,

and sent GOE ambassadors to Steemfest in Amsterdam -

where @everlove won the Golden Steem award for Best Undiscovered Author!

We deepened our community and enjoyed supporting and receiving support from incredible individuals all over the globe!
In late 2016, we announced plans for Eden 2.0, and currently have part of our crew in Ecuador scoping locations for the expansion of our ecovillage.

We also welcomed this beautiful baby into the world, born of TRUE LOVE!

This isn't even touching how we grew and developed and evolved as conscious beings and a sustainable community in 2016: we learned how to forgive quicker and love deeper, fed tens of thousands of free meals, salvaged hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash from the landfill, produced much more than we consumed, shared our abundance far and wide, and inspired others to BE THE CHANGE!
What will 2017 bring?!
Follow us to see how we top this epic year!