It Is Our Natural Right and Duty to Give and to Support Our Fellow Man

Quinn Eaker founded the Garden of Eden to create an environment worth living in, operated on honorable and sustainable standards, and he shares our great success as well as the great trials we have faced in this inspiring montage of interviews.

The Garden of Eden exists to serve mankind and our planet: we feed, clothe, house, and educate tens of thousands of people a year and save hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash from the landfill. It is our right and duty to share with our brothers and sisters, and we prove that it is not only possible, but easy and enjoyable.

 There has been immense and violent opposition to a lifestyle such as ours. When Quinn began publicly presenting successful alternatives to the system that keeps humanity broken and fragmented, the government sent a fully armed Black Ops SWAT raid to the property to terrorize our inhabitants into compliance.

It didn't work. Knowing one's rights is vital to defending and upholding honor, and we are more adamant than ever to protect freedom. We share this uplifting video to remember that challenges make us stronger. Quinn embodies unwavering focus on VALUES, and it is changing the world.

BE the change!

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