Daily pick of hidden gems #6 (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

This might just have a huge impact on your life and future.

Yesterdays pick:

1:Registration is now reopen and ranking is all time high

Steemit is changing peoples lives and now more are able to come here and experience steemit. Its not just the money that can change our lives but what we read and even what we write.


2:The school of life what they don't teach you

There are so many leasons which we can learn in life. One of the greatest things I have learnt is to share these lessons because it can change someone else or even help them.


3:So you want to be a content creator? Read this!

For those of you that is creating great content and investing a lot of time in doing so. Then you see you are making no $ on it don't be discouraged. There is 2 ways to get your content voted on.

The hard way(long and discouraging) or try to get to know the whales, establish a relationship with them, try get them to see you.


4:Money vs Joy: Hard Truths

I have spoken about this a few times and I have an old post on it to:@dragonslayer109/the-true-value-of-steemit
What is steemit for you. Why do you use it?


5:The 10 Steemit Commandments For Success

This community would be a better place if we just governed ourselves.
I wish I had this when I first started on steemit. I at least had some guidance from my dad.


6:Every picture tells a story, read it with your heart

Just the title of this post is enough to make me think and reflect. Having a look back at some of the photos I have taken, those feelings around the time the photo was taken come back to me.
Pictures are truely amazing


7:Unleashing the Inner Kid

I'm still young only 19 but in the world these days lots of children can't really be children. Many have to grow up really fast due to circumstances beyond their control.

We can all do with bit of fun and go crazy like we did when we were kids. Will definitely make us a lot more positive.


My quote for the day

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