Daily pick of hidden gems #5 (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

Sifting through the junk to find you something that will change your life.

Yesterdays pick:

When we share our feelings and interests we make our writing and posts feel like there is an actual person behind the words on the page. Very often I go through posts and its just words on a page. Write in a way that when we read what you write we can feel you, we can experience your writing with you.


Don't feel discouraged when your heart filled post doesn't get the attention it deserves. Keep posting that meaningful content, it will make a difference one day. Here is something to help you out a little


We all learn every day as life goes on. We all have different problems and challenges and react differently to each one. Learning from each other and sharing our thoughs and what we have learnt could be the best gift we can give each other.


We could all take sometime to think and reflect on what we are doing. Even clam down and get things in order. One can master all things with the right mind set


Ever tried pleasing a large crowd? Going through life I have tried to please people. Just to find out that sometimes there is nothing you can do to please everyone.

No matter how much you try, no matter how much good you do, there will always be haters.

Don't bother yourself with them, they have a problem with you... Well then thats their problem don't ever make it yours


Failure: Everyone always sees it as negative but often it can lead to greater things. Failure is a success in its own right. We must just have a good look at the bigger picture and see what is in plan for us.


If your post isn't here then ask in the comments and I will have a look at it. Everyday I check and have a look at the posts of the people who comment on these posts of mine. Thank you for your amazing comments they really make me happy. I will continue to put up an update every day and remember "ask and ye shall receive".

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