Daily pick of hidden gems #7 (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. The value is all worth it in then end.

Yesterdays pick:

1-- Things I've Discovered During My No-Food Fast

Mind over matter. So often we let our bodies control us and not our mind. It takes true determination to let your mind control oneself.
Place an apple before you and a cupcake, which one do you choose?


2-- Totally changed my life over the weekend! Thanks to Steemit!

Steemit has change so many lives already. For me it is building my future and making it much brighter. Not just the money changes our life but also the content and inspiration we get from reading there's blogs


3-- ASDF: The Simplest Explanation for Steem's Key Characteristics for Long-Term Growth

If you are struggling to understand steemit and what it is. Here is a few things that will help you out.


4-- Depression and Bullying - My Weight Loss Story

Kindness... is it really that hard to just show a bit of love and kindness? The world would be a better place just by 3 simple things:
*Charity(not of money but of time and effort towards another person)


5-- List of top quality posters on Steemit - Quick analysis of those worth following and upvoting

The more time we spend of understanding and figuring out how steemit works the better our content will be --> the better our posts will do --> the better we feel because we getting money --> the more we want to post good content.

The cycle continues on and on, so invest sometime in trying to understand steemit.


6-- Who do you want to be when you grow up...?

No words can describe what I feel after reading this...


7-- I don’t believe in “Soul mates”, but I do believe in love and long lasting relationships

No one ever plans a short term relationship. I was always told that any relationship can work as long as there is love and both partners in the relationship work hard at it.

This being said, relationships are never a walk in the park or as rosy as some people tell you.


Comment of the day

If you have read this and believe that your content is also great drop me a link and I will add it once I have gone through it.

Keep posting great content, makes this platform mean more than just money.

Quote for the day

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