Arnold The Brave aka @cryptopie

A recently sent some personal items in the mail to Arnold Martin @cryptopie.


My bravehearts777 medal and gold Coast Marathon finishers shirt. This event was the last thing I did before I crashed.

Both items were decorated with my distinct scribble.

@papa-pepper has photographic evidence of these.

They are winging their way to the Philippines now, by registered post.

I wrote about the reasons in a recent post.
My main aim was to reveal that the person in the photos was the person posting.

I have written messages to @cryptopie a few times using the word transparency, to encourage him to share important medical and personal information in the hopes that he will find the help he urgently needs.

Well it seems he out did everyone on steemit regarding transparency.

Using the phrase Transparency himself he posted his address, a map and an invitation to his home.



That to me is the actions of a person who is desperate for help.

He has also invited anyone close by to attend his appointment tomorrow so he can get some good quality images of documents.

"4th floor of the Alta medical Bldg. at malolos. So if you happen to have the time, you can be there with me and take photos with me. The clinic starts at 2:30 in the afternoon."

I planned to write a follow up post after he received my package.

Which was sent to the address that he disclosed in his recent post btw.

But I have to go back to hospital my self.

I received a call yesterday from my doc.

My kids are upset, but my husband and I know I have to go.

All we know is I am going for about a week for tests.

We need answers. I am getting weaker and the pain harder to manage.

I wish Arnold could do the same.

Go in and stay for the work up he needs in order to tell us all what is required for his lifesaving treatment.

I'm scared to go. But I am nothing at the moment.

I just lie around waiting and getting weaker.
And losing hope.

The hope part is the clincher.

I have been emailing and sharing @cryptopie's story, because I know how it feels to just lie around losing hope.

As he continues to bare his soul and every aspect of his life, please invest a little hope in people.

Chance yourself on believing that outside of view from your own window onto the world, people like Arnold do exist.

His condition is rare.

But it is only rare because people in a place where they can access appropriate care as a right instead of a privilege would never progress this far.
It is a result of long term substandard dialysis, neurology and endocrine care.

It is the face of the inequity of global health care.

Steemit has given those in isolation a voice. Don't ignore it.

From my research there are ways to crowdfund and direct resources for medical treatment, that can ensure that the right person receives your contribution.

I know there are many more savvy minded people on steemit than me.

Imagine if a few minds got together and worked on a way that each of us could contribute in a way that is guaranteed to change his outcomes.


Please give him some of your time to create some hope and possibilities.

I don't know what is in store for me.

But receiving a phone call from a doctor that is interested in trying, when others have given up.

Gives me hope.

Sometimes hope changes everything.


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