WHERE DID I GO? My life threw me a super curve ball. and I haven't even been able to open my computer in all of the havoc until now!

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A couple of days ago, I was about to wash some dishes from breakfast when this screech nearly broke my eardrums.

Just then, the water came to an abrupt halt and that was it. That was the end. That's where everything just went to (excuse my language)... sh*t.


That doesn't sound like me does it? I try my best to be more of a glass full kinda gal and so, let's view everything that happened next as an opportunity!

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The story!

When I left in November to go take care of business in New Zealand with my camper van... read about that here! I found this wonderful vegan food blogger to come and take care of my space while I was away (sounds like a perfect match right? I thought so.)


While I was away, somehow, a couple of days into my trip, I started to get a string of seriously distressed texts. I thought the house had burned down. Turns out worse- the internet wasn't working! ;)

Not just that... no... now, suddenly after a couple days of leaving my house in the hands of another, the internet was magically 'broken' and side bonus, so was my water.

But what? They were both working just fine before I left.

Welp, not anymore apparently.

Cue incessant text messages coming in from this renter about every detail of this situation when I am miles and miles and oceans away from being able to do anything more than email and message friends to try to sort it out.

Nightmare right?

Well, it began taking all of my short time that I had in the adventureland I had come all the way to see and I sure wasn't going to let it ruin my time but I also wanted to help this girl out (even if she broke my house!)

(By the way, if you remember, I hardly ever had internet because NZ is actually not as connected as I would have thought so it was kind of hard to be dealing with the internet while I was in remote forests and hiking mountains...)

Anyways, fun shake up happened... the volcano scare was going on so turns out I couldn't actually fly back from NZ as my flight got canceled. Not good timing because my father was on his way from Canada to visit me in Bali but since the volcano was putting on some risky business, he got rerouted too.... so we had to spend tons of money to meet in Thailand. Gah.

Fast forward.

I came back from 5 weeks in NZ then 1 month in Thailand to no internet and no water.



So, arriving with my dad in tow, I had to figure out the internet and water.

After what was far to annoying to recount, I gave in and paid for a new water pump and figured out the wiring of the internet and for a short time all was well.

Until, we go back to the beginning of this blog.

The water stopped again. OUT OF NOWHERE!

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I am not a plumber so.... asking for help I ended up getting strong armed (being foreign and all) and I didn't like it.


I have one week before I need to move into a house that has water and it was completely unexpected!

I looked at over 30 houses in the last couple of days and have talked to seriously so many people online I cannot even keep track of times and prices.

This is my long way of telling you why I disappeared haha.

I'm going to be in a rush to get myself ready to be out of here at the end of the month and for now, thank the lucky stars that my yoga deck has a shower that is separate and works independently!

You're not going to hear much from me until I get re-settled which is a shame because if you didn't know I have a pretty big contest running right now and I am super excited to see how everyone is doing!!

For now though, I send you all love and remind you that when one door closes another opens and I am so excited to see where my opening is leading to!

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My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion. Here are some of my recent additions:

πŸ’Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!πŸ’
Your dream has come true- NEVER MISS a post again!
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Rewarding content we love, rewards us back! Yay for curation rewards!

Have you heard that I'm giving 100 SBD away?
Check out the contest update here!

🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!🍴
πŸ§€Smoked Cheddar Cheeze!
πŸŽ‚Special Power Cake!
πŸ§€Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
🍫 5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
πŸ§€Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!
πŸ₯‘You Won't Believe it's Not Magic! Double Chocolate Mousse (Avocado) Cake!

🌍I can show you the world!🌍
❀Come Wanderlust Through the Magic Island, Bali
🌞Insta Famous? No, not me! The Picture!
πŸ’°Come on an Adventure to an Old Mining Cave and Waterfall!
Until next time!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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