❀🌍Come Wanderlust Through the Magic Island, Bali With Me! 🌍❀

In honor of Earth Day let me show you some of our gorgeous planet, starting right here in the island paradise of Bali, Indonesia!


As you might have noticed, I spend a lot of time in my kitchen, in my house which means leaving the wondrous island I live on, waiting (and begging) to be explored!

Now, I know you all know what a wandering soul I am having been roaming the world for almost 5 years but Bali is special to me and the reason I got a home here.

See, in Bali being at home is not a problem because inside is outside and outside is inside as there are usually not very many walls in the architecture, leaving a very open concept meaning I'm basically outside all of the time! πŸ˜‰

I'm always leaving and going other places to do the whole wanderlust thing but there is so much to the island here that I haven't seen so I decided to head out to the hills!

Come along with me!


On my way out to the West coast to catch what are some of the most incredible sunsets I have ever seen in the world, I passed by this temple. Temples are very common in Bali so you'll find them everywhere but they all have their own uniqueness to them.


As I was trying to get a closer look at the ceremony going on, I found these Avatar looking plants that are pretty common here but never fail to take my breath away! Aren't they magical?


Crossing a make-shift bridge across this water and under the hanging Avatar plants, I made it to the other side of the water so I could watch without disrupting the ceremony!



The water was so beautiful, I found myself lost in it. Looking at the reflection of the palms and hearing the chimes of the instruments across the water as the Balinese sung their prayers.



Do you ever just stop to hug a tree?
Trees are powerful allies to us in this crazy world we live. They will definitely accept a hug anytime and hang in that grasp long enough, you might even feel better than you'd ever imagine!

Hugging trees is a ritual for me. I appreciate their beauty and their effort they give to us by cleansing our air. Plus, they make the best friends, they'll never tell your secrets ;) That's nature therapy!



This is actually a raft on the water, I wish I could have shown you what it looks like glazing across the river but I didn't know how to make it go ;)


Not too far away from the temple on the way, chasing the sun I had to stop and admire these trees shooting out on the horizon. They come as a shock from the rice fields in front of them and command tremendous attention with their towering power and magic lurking within.

Know what hides in these woods? MONKEYS!


The way to the West is through the forested fields and how do we get from one side to the other?

A massive bridge through the valley!


A little bit of zoom standing on the side of this bridge gives us a quick peak of one of the active volcanoes here!

Can you see it?


After the huge trip through the majestic nature Bali offers, I finally made it to the sunset spot.


These rice terraces are incredible! Definitely worth the drive!

Look at that view!

Best part? Hardly anyone around!




I might just have to buy this house so I can get these views everyday! =D

I hope you enjoyed Bali! It's such a dream living here that sometimes I forget how fortunate I am to have this nature all around me!

Luckily, I have you to share it with! ;)

Let's travel again together soon! ❀

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🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!🍴
πŸ§€Smoked Cheddar Cheeze!
πŸŽ‚Special Power Cake!
πŸ§€Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
🍫 5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
πŸ§€Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!
πŸ₯‘You Won't Believe it's Not Magic! Double Chocolate Mousse (Avocado) Cake!
πŸŽ‚Treat Yo'Self! Brownies+Ice Cream+Cookies+Fudge = Cupcakes
πŸ’œIncredible Purple Vegan Quiche!
🍜Garden to Table: Coconut Curry!
🍝 Baked Lasagna
🍊Fruits to Make You Feel Your Best!
🍫Go Coco-NUTS for Homemade Creamy, Fudgy Chocolate Bars!

🌍I can show you the world!🌍
🌞Insta Famous? No, not me! The Picture!
πŸ’°Come on an Adventure to an Old Mining Cave and Waterfall!
Until next time!

Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
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