Stop Asking for Easy!

Whatever You Want to Accomplish Realize it is Not Going to be Easy.

Anything in our lives that has any meaning requires substantial work, effort, blood, sweat and tears. It always amazes me when people tell successful entrepreneurs, artists, athletes or anything that requires skill that they are so lucky. Let me tell you about luck, my luck was born through effort and I know the same goes for anyone who has been successful in any endeavor.

Today We Have Been Conditioned to Think That Everything Can Be Accomplished Easily.

Everything around us screams, "you can have your desires now!" Our society tells us that effort is no longer required. Spend your time enjoying your life, tomorrow is another day. When people who have grown up in a system like this confront an obstacle a good percentage will throw their hands up in defeat. How many times have we seen exactly this on Steemit? Pareto's Principle on Steemit.

The Common Theme is "I GIVE UP"

The Stuggle is Real!

The truth is that behind the scenes that person may have contemplated giving up. They had to fight peer pressure. They had to give up watching sports. Maybe they had to give up gaming. It is possible that they worked 60 hour weeks then came home and worked another 20 hours a week perfecting their blogging skills. From afar it looks like they have it made but only that person knows what it took for them to be successful.

The most difficult enemy I have found is society. They just don't understand. When you aim for the top it is a lonely road. Then something magical happens, "you find your tribe". The craziest thing happened for us over the last few years. We started finding fellow entrepreneurs who also had big dreams. They were not necessarily in the same field as us but being fellow entrepreneurs was all that was needed to find a common bond.

Once you find your tribe societies opinion will mean less and less to you. I beg you to keep pushing forward. Everyone of you has a dream that you want to accomplish. I want you to find it and start working on making it a reality.

Your Goals on Steemit.

I have watched over the last nine months as many people have come and gone on this amazing platform. It really saddens me to see people give up so easily. I want everyone to be successful but I am a realist and understand that the majority of society does not have the strength to persevere through months of low rewards and engagement on their posts.

I believe churn on this platform will be a normal part or our community. I wonder what the numbers are on platforms like Medium, Blogger and Wordpress. I guarantee you the failure rates of blogs on those platforms will be even higher than here. At least on Steemit if a person makes an effort to be part of the community they will be welcomed with open arms.

Keep on Steeming!


Video by #BeSomebody

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