Kuya J's Diary Episode 5 - An Epiphany on Last Night's Super Blue Blood Moon


As I was waiting for the Super Blue Blood Moon last night, I was so excited. I have readied everything I need, my DSLR, my bike, my snacks and my coffee but to my dismay, the night sky was very cloudy and all I can see was just the moonlight covered by the clouds.

I told myself, maybe in a few minutes the clouds will clear, so I waited until 8 pm but still it’s the same cloudy sky. In our country, the Philippines, the maximum eclipse was around 9:30 pm but unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to witness such marvelous celestial event and only saw the red tint of the moon through the clouds. And so I went back to my room with disappointment, watched it on live streaming on the NASA site and in our PAGASA Astronomical Observatory in Quezon City.

The moon appears to orbit the sign of the Angel stadium in Anaheim, California.

People take photographs of the moon as it moon rises over Istanbul, Turkey.

For those of you who also have missed last night's very rare lunar event, Super Blue Blood Moon, you can see in the sites below wonderful photos that captured the moment of the lunar event from different places on Earth.

  • https://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/super-blue-blood-moon-stunner/news-story/f06e02f3fa21c42a26cf13df9437e124
  • https://www.theguardian.com/science/gallery/2018/jan/31/super-blue-blood-moon-in-pictures
  • http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/super-blue-blood-moon-pictures-photos-latest-lunar-eclipse-images-best-a8187841.html

I was happy but sad at the same time. Sad because I was not able to see it myself and take some moon shots but happy at the same time because even if I only saw it through online streaming, what I saw was really beautiful and stunning. I also had fun reading the comments. Some were praying and thanking God for the marvelous event, others posted theories and myths on the celestial events in a spiritual sense. Like werewolves, vampires, tribal practices and other sociological reasoning.

While everyone was so busy watching and embracing the beauty of Super Blue Blood Moon, one comment struck me that left me pondering. That person who wrote the comment saw this event as a sign of hope. That as long as you do not give up, you will be rewarded and your sacrifices will pay off someday just like an event as rare as this.
The same goes for our life, an event in our life will happen someday that will change our life completely as long as we never give up in this life. It will come and it will happen even if it will take many years and I realized the one factor that really drives a person to wake up every day is HAPPINESS.

Happiness is one thing that everyone strives to find and keep. People spend a lot of time making money because they believe that the money itself will make them happy. People strive hard to achieve perfectness in everything, all in an attempt to be happy. Sometimes, one focus strongly on one goal that is thought to bring happiness that he finds no time on the things that makes him truly happy.

But how does one achieve true happiness?

True happiness is not seen in the material things. It is not seen on the things that last temporarily. Rather, it is seen beyond what the eyes can see. It is felt from the heart.

To achieve happiness, one must first reflect on the things that one values the most other than that of material things. Say, for example, his relationship with God or other people or your loved ones.

Second, do not compare. When one compares a lot, he makes himself upset about what he does not have that others possessed.

Third, extend a hand to someone in need. Sometimes, true happiness is seen in making others happy.

Lastly, be contented. When one appreciates everything he has, he does not have to think of himself less than others.

By following these guidelines, one could find himself truly happy. Just always remember, happiness is not based on what one has but what one is able to give.
And so I want to quote, a famous tag-line from a coffee commercial in our country;

Ikaw, para kanino ka bumabangon?
In translation, who do you wake up for?

Now i'll ask you, who do you wake up for?

Comment your answer in the reply section and let's have a talk. :)

Image Sources

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Thank you for your time reading this and if you enjoyed it, you might also like to read my other posts on the link provided below.

  1. Kuya J’s Diaries Episode 4 - Super Blue Blood Moon
  2. Kuya J’s Diaries Episode 3 – Tasting Pinoy Delicacies
  3. Kuya J’s Diaries Episode 2 – Solid Waste Management (Composting)


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