5 Things I Need to Do Today to Accomplish My 2017 Goals! (Steemians Can Help in One)

It's 31st December 2017; the deadline for all the new year goals set in January. Actually, I understood the average life of most new year resolutions—one month or less—so I waited for one month before setting my goals of 2017. By the time I set my new year goals at the end of January, half of the world had already abandoned theirs. Call me crazy but that's what I did.

Image designed via Canva.com (useful tool for bloggers)

Brief History of My 2017 Goals Progress

Now setting goals wasn't my strongest area because it was only the second consecutive year that I had set any decisive goals for myself. Therefore, I was a bit overwhelmed and set 20 freaking goals, divided in various categories. When September came, I realized that I was only a human and I needed to respect that fact.

Reconciled list and update as of right now

The humility of being just a humna helped me slash the goals down from twenty to just eight; a a manageable figure. While I have managed to complete three goals already, five are still pending completion. Two more goals are on the brink of completion and will get completed by midnight tonight. Details will follow.

The remaining three goals will require an incredible amount of effort, some magic, and miracles to be accomplished. I am mentioning these three goals first, sharing what I need to do in order to achieve them.

1. Find a Girl, Propose Her, Get Engaged, Get Married (Today!)

My number one goal was to get married in 2017. Rather, I would have loved to have been married in 2016. But it was not to be. I was this close though this year. Properly committed, I was supposed to tie the knot in November. It wasn't to be...

Some motivation from Pixabay

If I wish to pursue this goal, I have less than 7 hours to find a girl, propose to her, get engaged and then get by midnight tonight. I am not a quitter but I think I should reserve my energies for 2018.

2. Lose At Least 11 Pounds

I wanted to slash my weight at least to 152 Pounds form the current 163. I have practically done nothing to achieve this goal except a green patch in June-July when I used to fast dawn to dusk, swim for 30-45 minutes and play Futsal in a single day. Excessive diet control and exersion meant that I reached near 152 Lbs in wight and turned slimmer.

After that, it was a sorry state of affairs and I am 163 Lbs again. But I have more than six hours to change that. I guess not worth the trouble. Come 2018 and I go again.

3. Finish 3 Weeks of Work to Complete an EdX Course

When the year started, I had planned to complete 20 courses related to blogging alone. I completed three of them early on. Add two courses on leadership, two courses on content creation, and a 12 week course on public speaking and I had a whopping number of 25 courses to do. I dropped the idea to just one course. And didn't do that too.

Lately, I resorted to this course as my only target.

I have done one week of effort on this course and it needs work of four more weeks to be done. The course finished in December and now has restarted with an end date of July, 2018. I think I will borrow first 15 days of new year to complete this course and improve my success rate on 2017 goals to make it six out of eight.

4. Finish Reading One Book

I had a target of reading at least ten books in 2017. I have finished nine already. But for the last two weeks, I have not made any progress on the tenth except the sixty pages I read yesterday before going to sleep.

Talaash is an Urdu word meaning Quest, the book I am reading at the moment.

It seems difficult but I am totally committed to finishing the book that I am reading right now and I will finish it tonight. Reading books is one of the best things I have done in 2017; which include joining Steemit.

A sneak peak at the books I intend to read in 2018. I have bought them already.

Reading books is one of my highly prioritized goals and I will include books in my plans for coming years as well.

5. Go to 60 Reputation from The Current 59.857

This is the most achievable and doable goal for today. When I redefined my goals in September, I included Steemit in my plans and set a goal to have at least 1000 Steem (Steem + SP) in my account by end of this year. Then I added 60 Reputation score as a goal as well.

While I achieved 1000 Steem goal 27 days ago, reputation is not easy to increase. You know that if you have read my Reputation Score 101 guide.

Steemnow.com snapshot of my current reputation score.

But I am too close right now and just need a few generous upvotes to get to 60 reputation score. I cannot explain how much it means to me to reach this score.

PS: I have found Steemit community generous enough to those who contributes. However, bots are in use by a large number of people to boost their visibility and payouts. I have changed my stance on bots after carefully observing the community and I am now open to using voting bots.


Setting goals and pursuing them has been a highly productive activity for me. Even writing about setting effective goals earned me $189 on a single post during my first week on Steemit. I encourage you to set goals for 2018 and pursue them. Let me share with you what goals I have achieved in 2017.

  • Having Three Income Streams

  • Sponsoring Education of Two Poor Children

  • Construction Work to Build My Home

This post is a little-serious-bit-funny take on my goals and their progress. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Please resteem and upvote to help me achieve at least one of the pending goals by tonight.

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