I cannot speak for people in other parts of the world (specifically first world countries…) but where I live – Cape Town, South Africa - good customer service has become so scarce that you often end up selecting a preferred place of business with higher prices, simply because it is more likely that you will get served by somebody who actually, might, just possibly, maaaaay have the actual qualifications to have earned their position in the first place… (and this is NOT always the case even then!)

Image credit: https://www.jobdiagnosis.com/blog/delivering-exceptional-customer-service-to-angry-customers/

Having been a business owner in the service and production industry for many years, I have learnt a lot about the importance of customer service. In fact, I am of the firm belief that it is even more important than price.

I own a very small business concern in one of our local suburbs, but we have been there for going on 13 years and we are like a staple in the neighbourhood. However, the only reason we are still around and have earned the spotless reputation that we have, is because of our willingness to bend over backwards for our clients.

Being an employer which follows an ethos of ensuring that my staff are well looked after in all respects, thus ensuring that they too, look after my companies reputation – I have become somewhat demanding and “expecting” if you will… when it comes to wanting good customer service when I offer my patronage to other businesses.

Sadly, for the most part, in this country – that mostly leaves me…um… well... pissed off and grumpy! Haha! Because the reality is, you simply don’t get it and if and when you do, it is like you have just won the lottery!!!!

Much like anywhere else, we have several large Supermarket chains which, despite their non-existent level of customer service and/or appreciation, we generally continue to support out of sheer convenience and lack of alternative.

Visiting these chain stores is about as pleasant as sticking a toothpick in your eye! Mostly I have to bite my tongue at the absolute complacency of the staff! It is nothing short of painful!

However… (yes, you know what’s coming don’t you…lol)

Image Credit: http://mehoep.deviantart.com/art/Mischievous-Pie-317962273

Every now and then, I simply cannot deal with it!!!

The staff in general, spend so much time standing around, doing… well… nothing!! And they have absolutely NO consideration for the customers. Like NONE whatsoever!!!! They will literally walk you out of the way in passing – almost as if you were invisible!

The other day however, I decided to, well… ya… lol

I was strolling down the aisle with my trolley and not surprisingly, there was a congregation of staff standing around, talking about WHATEVER… I could not pass. I said excuse me…

I waited.

So, I found a gap on the opposite side of them and decided to that way… at the same time they all started moving and walked straight in front of me – I SWEAR I REALL WAS INVISIBLE!!!! In order to NOT connect them I would have had to A) shift my trolley in completely the opposite direction or B) again come to a complete standstill until they had finished their little procession.

Well, not today honeys!

Today I just continued to walk in the precise line I had started in and…

“OUCH” YOH!!!! That was my ankle!!!

…Oh dear! Really?! did your ankle meet my trolley wheel?!

Image Credit: https://www.sissify.com

Oh I am terribly sorry!!!! Perhaps if you paid a little more attention to your customers in future, your ankles would have a lower injury risk rate!

Just saying!

Point – Customer service people!!! CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! Nothing is worse than a peeved customer… which is why I ensure daily, hourly and momentarily that I kiss their arses!!!

Image Credit: http://mrthrowbackthursday.com

As usual... a blog appropriate song... hehe :)

Until next time...


  1. @jaynie/embracing-your-inner-peter-pan
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  6. @jaynie/life-in-reverse
  7. @jaynie/how-to-b-tch-slap-your-stress-and-anxiety
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  15. @jaynie/i-am-proud-of-the-things-i-have-achieved-and-the-challenges-i-have-conquered
  16. @jaynie/my-steemit-journey-1
  17. @jaynie/rockyourworld-stress-and-desperation-are-our-greatest-teachers
  18. @jaynie/strong-people-need-hugs-too
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