Why I Did The World's Most Dangerous Psychedelic... Iboga

I've been writing here on Steemit about my complete transformation over the last two years. I wrote yesterday (see here) about how ayahuasca was the first substance I took that begin to move me in the direction of healing.

In today's "walk n' talk" I discuss how doing ayahuasca twice helped but wasn't enough to keep me moving forward. I ended up regressing back into deep depression and drinking and decided that only the world's most powerful psychedelic could reboot my system enough to begin to fully heal.

I ended up doing iboga for nearly a week at Ibogaquest in Mexico.

And, true to its reputation, it was an absolutely insane experience that I had trouble even putting into words.

But you can see me try here:

Iboga ended up being just what I needed and set me off down a path for the last two years in which I have attained a new level of happiness, health and wellness that I didn't even know was possible.

Follow me here on Steemit as I'll continue to discuss the dozens of other things I have done in the last two years which has led me to this very good place. And, all the things I continue to do to get even better and raise my vibration daily!

And please share this with anyone who has any drug or alcohol addiction, depression or PTSD. Iboga can cure all those things, sometimes instantly... that's why it is illegal in places ike the US where they want everyone to be sick, poor and indebted for life.

Spread this information because the government, media and especially the pharma/medical industrial complex and your doctor will NEVER tell you about it.

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