Reading Workshop: (The Importance of Being Equitable)(Please do not forget to @ mars9 need your help)


Please do not forget to @ mars9 need your help

Hello dear friends of steemit, thank you for being present on my blog and accompanying with reading my post. It is inspired by the fable "The goats and the goatherd" Navigating the web I cross with this beautiful fable, speaks of a man whose profession is pastor, one day he has some luck and he obtains a group of goats free, in that situation he will learn A good lesson, a beautiful story that begins like this.

In a distant village near the Liupan mountains a young shepherd lived by his flock, a humble man, hard-working, every morning he got up early before the sun rose and went to work, worked long hours tending his flock alone Returned home when the sun was opposing.

This was the life of this young boy, lived in a modest house next to a small corral where he kept his flock at night, were very difficult times, the little money he earned only served to buy food for him and his animals, always had Intentions of buying more goats to enlarge his herd, but the little money that gained went away in the purchases of the foods.

One morning as every day I take his flock to graze at the foot of the hill, it was a very sunny day, to shelter from the sun I take a stone and place them under a small shrub that gave some shade, sitting placidly got to see more Of ten wild goats that come down from the hills.

The shepherd could not believe his luck, seeing the wild goats joining his flock and sharing the grass as if they had been part of the herd for a long time, the wild goats did not look like that, they behaved very quietly to be Wild

The shepherd saw the opportunity to enlarge his flock without spending a coin, no doubt this was a divine gift, very happy he settled on his stone to enjoy his fate, long ago that life did not favor this young shepherd.

At dusk, he began to gather his flock to return to the stable, slowly together the goats very carefully not to scare the wild goats, could not waste this unique opportunity to enlarge his herd, seeing that the wild goats behaved Very quiet, slowly led them to their property for the bull run in the corral.

On arriving at his property he led the goats to the corral, all including the savages entered placidly inside, the shepherd was so grateful to life, as in the twinkling of an eye had changed his life.

At dawn the next day, the shepherd prepared to take his flock to graze, this day was very special, would be the first day that would lead to graze the new members of his flock, was very anxious to see how they behaved.

When he came out he saw gray clouds on the point of raining, the shepherd knew very well the summit of the mountains, he knew that it was not enough for a great storm to be unleashed, and he cautiously led the goats from the corral to the barn to take them from the water.

The young shepherd lived alone, the only company was his goats, to which he addressed himself and spoke as if they understood him.

Well dear friends, today they will have to spend the day locked in the barn, it is about to rain and with the rain I can not take them to graze!

At the end of uttering the last words a great storm broke out, the goats were happy with the shepherd for having protected them from the rain, the storm was very strong, a sign that would last all day, luckily the young shepherd had kept bran in the Barn, kept them for occasions like these.

The goats were grateful to the shepherd for having protected them from the rains, but they had to admit that they had a terrible hunger, the young shepherd who knew his goats very well, immediately interpreted their looks. And said

Do not worry about your food, luckily for you I am a very cautious man, I have bran saved for these occasions, and I prepare!

The young shepherd retired and returned in a few minutes with buckets full of bran, took the containers and distributed the food, his old goats served half the containers and the wild goats gave a full container.

The old goats noticed the difference and favoritism, very skillful let the young pastor know, the young man understood the message and gave an explanation.

Quiet old friends, I have not been wrong, I know very well that I have given a little less food to you! But they are our guests, we must attend them well, we want them to feel comfortable and stay with us. The shepherd said

The goats looked at each other, understood the situation very well. It rained all day, they had to remain locked in the barn all day, in the afternoon, the shepherd returned them to feed and distributed the food in the same way, reason why the wild goats ate double ration and the old They ate only one.

The next day the sun came up sooner than ever, the shepherd got up very happy to know that you had a few new goats in your herd, slowly opened the barn door and led them to the mountainside for grazing.

When they arrived at the usual place where the goats grazed, the shepherd took a stone to locate under the bush, then sat watching their goats very pleased, after a while saw the young goats group and slowly move away from the place.

The shepherd jumped and went after the goats and said.

Where are you going, do not you feel comfortable with us?

Some of the goats, the oldest I take the word.

To tell you the truth, we long ago watched you, we thought you were a just person and that you loved your goats, that's why we came down from the mountain to join your flock! But with what you did yesterday you have disappointed us.

How did I disappoint them? The pastor said worried

Just as you listen, you have disappointed us! Yesterday when you gave us to eat, we just arrived twice gave you the double and your friends of the whole life only half, we understood your explanation, that's why we do not go, tomorrow you will do the same to us, new ones will come And treat them better than we.

You must learn to be more just and remember that our old friends are always first, the young pastor could not do anything to keep them, deep down he knew they were right, there is no worse thing than to leave aside your old friends and worse yet Be equitable.


I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land of Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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