You Beautiful Rust Bucket, You...

Getting older is a funny thing.

I'm really trying to do the whole 'aging gracefully' thing, rather than being dragged into middle age by my hair kicking, screaming and gnashing my teeth.

Somedays are better than others. :)

You know who I really admire? Helen Mirren.

I'm going to print out this picture and hang it up over my collection of anti-wrinkle creams motorbike leathers.


You know, when I think about getting older, like properly think, like a grown up, I know that being bothered by it in any way is just silly. And probably a bit superficial. I wouldn't trade any of the knowledge, confidence and wisdom (possibly?) I have now for all the smooth skin and youthful abandon in the world.

And in reality, I know that the small part of me that does dislike growing older, is actually the same part of me that is just a scared little girl.

Ironic, huh?

The little girl part of me that I'm referring to is the same part that's scared of regrets, scared of failing, scared of missing out and scared of dying. Yeah all that kind of nonsense.

Actually I guess it's less 'little girl' and more 'stupid, BS fear based thoughts that are no good to nobody.'

One of the beautiful things about growing older is you start to be able to identify these parts of yourself and, rather than reacting from these states of mind, you can accept that they're there, and then choose whether you want to be this kind of person or not.

It's like the older you get, the more choice you have about who you are.

I took this photo recently - it's an old , rusty tractor wheel:

File 22-08-2017, 3 30 11 pm.jpeg

And you know what, I think it's beautiful.

It made me think about how the kind of youthful beauty you seem to lose as you get older is replaced by something better.

An almost iridescent, multicoloured, deep and changing beauty that seems to me to be associated with confidence, empathy, purpose and wisdom, amongst other things, that only growing older can give you.

Yes, I think getting older is not only something I can live with, but something I can be deeply grateful for as well.

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Who I'm Loving Right Now:

Professional editor by day. Secret viral YouTuber by night. Shh!

Follow me, @johleen if you like the kind of stuff I do. If you don't, then don't!!

Much love!

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