Guess who's back? 😀 Part Two of Booboo's story.

Continuing the story of how Booboo came to join our catch up see

Before driving off with Boo, the guy told me "he really likes you....wouldn't be surprised if he comes back again. " I secretly thought to myself that if he does, I will keep him.

Two weeks passed since our little guest was returned to his owner. And although I really missed the cheeky little dude, I persuaded myself that I couldn't afford another mouth to feed.

It was 06.30 one morning, and I stretched lazily. Yawning, I reached for my clothes. A scratching at the front door, then a whine. Luna was already at the window. There outside my door sat none other than Boo. Upon spotting me, he immediately began to wriggle all over, and his little stump of a tail threatened to fall off, it wagged so fast. He leapt ecstatically into my arms!

I have never seen a happier trio of dogs, especially Lucius.
"Can I keep him? Mum can I keep him? Can I, can I? I found him so he's mine...he's my new
best friend...please?" Lucius looked up at me with his soft amber eyes imploringly. How could I resist?
Luna looked at Boo as one would regard an insect.

And so it came to pass that Boo became an honorary member of the pack.


Each and every day was filled with fun. Whenever there was any mischief going on, the two boys were always in the thick of it. Luna was forever running up to me, tugging at my sleeve and telling tales..
"Mum, quick, come and look what the boys have done."
"Mum, the boys have pulled your washing down and they're fighting over it."
"Mum, the boys have ripped up your shopping bag."
Most of the time Luna gives the boys a look of utter disdain. She completely disassociates herself from them, returning to her bed when she notices them up to any skullduggery so that she won't be blamed.

One of Lucius's favourite games is hide and seek...and he always dons his cloak of invisibility (yes, he truly believes that when he wears this he is invisible). 🙃


He keeps very still while Booboo looks for him. Then they have a good laugh.

A month passed, and one afternoon I was strolling with Booboo along the narrow lane near my cottage when a car drew to a halt behind us. His old owner..... O_oh...
"Well doesn't he look handsome in his new smart red harness! "
I braced myself ready for a speech I had rehearsed over and over. But he carried on...
" I hadn't noticed he was missing until this week. My wife said she hadn't seen him when she threw food out in the yard. "
I picked Booboo up and walked over to the window,
" So do you want him back then? " (I had no intention whatsoever of handing him back).
" Oh, God no. When I got him with the bitch, I thought I could use him for breeding, but as you've probably noticed, he's neutered. He's of no use to me whatsoever, he's just rubbish. I don't want him. Do whatever you want with him. "
And with that he drove off.
I'd had Booboo for a whole month, and he hadn't noticed he was missing! 😠 Rubbish? How can anyone call a sweet little animal rubbish! I was seething with anger.
Next day I took Booboo to my Vet and had his microchip re-registered in my name. Booboo is officially here to stay! 😀

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I do hope you are enjoying stories about my little pack. Have a great steeming day! 😀

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