How To ORGANIZE Your Steemit Posts!


While I don't consider myself an expert Blog writer, I do feel that over the course of a year of being on Steemit. I have learned a ton and developed my skill with writing.

Having your posts set up in an organized manner Can be the difference between making a lot, And Making a little on Steemit.

Know Your Audience.

Your title, Photo, Etc. Needs to reflect the audience that you are targeting. If you want to write a post on dog care. Don't post a cat as the main photo of your post. Instead look for a cute stock photo of the owner with their dog. Or a cute dog face! Something that will grab the attention of the viewers!

The Photo Matters!

Or in general, Use a high-quality photo as your first photo. I've noticed a lot of Minnows, Often use dim photos or blurry photos.
Your initial photo is your chance to get a lot of people to read your post. So really invest in that.
You can get free stock photos from...

Use A Dramatic First sentence and Title

Think of what the person sees when they are on the main page. They typically see...

  • You first photo
  • A Title
  • The first sentence.

You should do your best to ensure these things are ON POINT!


Using Headers for your text!

While some people enjoy writing in Essay format. I like to sort my writing with headers.
That way people who prefer skimming to the parts they like can do that with ease.
Sometimes when I see big essays as blog posts, I become a little intimidated by it!
Steemit uses markup language, And there are tons of articles explaining how to use it. Here is a nice Steemit Guide to help you format your posts
I sometimes forget that they have that new editor that you can use! But if you don't want to use that editor. Learning markup is a great investment.


Sometimes when we want to write a long or detailed post, We can get confused on where to put certain points.
I enjoy brainstorming And doing little mindmaps to layout the topics I'd like to cover for the post. It makes things a lot easier. So If I wanted to write about Energy Boosting Foods; I may write that down on a piece of paper. Then write

  • Green Tea
  • Bananas
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Eggs.
    Then if there are certain points I want to discuss these foods. Then I will sometimes write that down next to the list. So I remember to go into detail about it.

How To Get Ideas

Sometimes it can be hard to get ideas for posts. This also where brainstorming comes in! Anytime you get any Steemit post idea, No matter how silly. Write it down! This will help you come up with more and more ideas!
If there is a subject you like, You can also go online and look up a list of topics! Those help me a ton when I'm stuck!

You can even go the old fashioned route And grab an encyclopedia, That is full of random stuff! This will give you hundreds of ideas.

  • In your list, You can even jot down some unique experiences that you've had in your life! I've written about all kinds of things that have happened in my life! Those posts are always a lot of fun!

  • If you have a unique hobby, You could do a series of posts educating people on how to do the hobby! I did these a while back with drawing! People found them a lot of fun! I may try and do those again at some point!


You don't have to be an expert to contribute on Steemit! Just write about what makes you happy.
Blogging is supposed to be fun! Steemit is meant to be fun! Just because there are rewards don't take it so seriously! Some people are so paranoid about what they'll write about, And they have this perfectionist mindset. That they end up writing nothing at all! Don't be that person! Get writing :)

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