Markdown & HTML Code Guide for Beginners that includes 5 Useful Tips to edit Posts & Comments using Steemit's Raw Editor; Edit & Align Text, Columns, Table and Smiley's

This Post is dedicated to all those new Users who recently joined Steemit and have no idea how to utilize the Raw Markdown Editor in order to edit Posts or Comments

When you decide to write out a post, you'll notice that there 2 options on the top right corner that enables you to switch between the built-in Editor or Raw Editor!

The Built-in Editor Is Simple and Easy to Use! If you're really desperate to start publishing content on Steemit this is for you! You won't need much for an ''Introduceyourself'' Post but as you begin to write more content you'll definitely want to familiarize yourself with Markdown & HTML Coding

I can understand that many of you, do not like the slightest idea of learning to code. You should at least give it a try! as there is possibility of getting rewarded by the Community! If your post has interesting Content and appealing layout it is bound to get more upvotes from the Steemit Community, so it pays to learn how to edit or format your Post & Comments

The Raw Editor allows you to edit content through Markdown and HTML Codes. Both of them are consider to be Mark Up Language

What is a Mark Up Language?

Markup languages are designed for the processing, definition and presentation of text. The language specifies code for formatting, both the layout and style, within a text file. The code used to specify the formatting are called tags. HTMLis a an example of a widely known and used markup language

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. ... Each individual markup code is referred to as an element (but many people also refer to it as a tag)

5 Beginner Tips

1) Make Text Bold or Italic


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2) How to Align Text to the Right & Left

If you spot an error in any of my Guides please feel free to correct me and also if there is anything you would like to see a Guide on, let me know! Dedicated young Steemian interested in getting Vested. Will write another tip on Markdown Codes Soon, Follow me for more!

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3) Insert Table


Raw Editor Input Code

Graphical Content| Data Visualization|
Visualization of statistics| Word Summary|

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4)Insert smiley's & Icons


šŸ˜‰ WinK&#128521
šŸ˜Š Smile&#128522
šŸ˜  Angry&#128544
šŸ˜œ Tongue&#128540
šŸ˜§ Surprised&#128551
šŸ˜± Scream&#128561
šŸ˜† LOL&#128518
šŸ˜Ž Glasses&#128526
šŸ˜ Heart Eyes&#128525
šŸ˜­ Crying&#128557
šŸ˜ž Sad&#128542
šŸ˜¶ No Words&#128566
šŸ˜‡ Angel&#128519
šŸ˜ˆ Devil&#128520
šŸ˜µ Dizzy&#128565

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5) Format Text Into Columns


2 Columns

Long lines of text can be hard to read, so doing multiple columns breaks the lines up to something more optimal. In type-setting there is actually a sweet spot between too short lines (eyes have to constantly jump lines) and too long lines (when jumping a line it's hard to figure out which line is the next one and not accidentally skip a line).
It was shown, by experiment, that optimal amount of text for print material is ~60 characters per column. Higher amount of characters per column interferes with brain's ability to scan through text easily, much like you need to break text into paragraphs for same reason
>An alternative method to Display Content

You can simply copy paste the code below into your Raw Editor and change my Text!

<div class=pull-left>
Write you first Column Text right here followed by closing Markdown Code
<div class=pull-right>
Now write the Text of your 2nd Column, keep in mind that some Markdown Styling won't Work

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I will contiune to write more Guides and Tutorials about Steemit, feel free to follow me! Also let me know if there is any particular Topic about Steemit that you want me to write about! This Post is intended to sum up some of previous Guides & Tutorials that I have written, since Steemit is still a new platform many users have yet to join! So this should be the best time to write educational content for so called Newbies. I will get more Technical with Steemit as time passes, because i'm constantly learning more about this special Social Platform. Dedicated to write more educational content so feel free to give me an Upvote or better follow me, much appreciated!

3 columns
2 columns
1 column