How to Be a Better Friend - PART 2

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Welcome back to my Better Friend series! If you missed the first post, check it out here.

So in the last post I shared the first 5 ways to be a better friend. Things like having their back and always being there to listen.

Here, I'll going to end my list of 10 with the remaining 5.

Let's get to it, shall we?


How to Be a Better Friend - PART 2

6. Let go of the little stuff.

Even friends fight. But good friends learn to forgive and forget easily. Don't spend the time fighting with your friend over something that possibly won't even matter a few days from now.

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As the saying goes, "Learn to pick your battles." Take a step back and really look at the disagreement. Is it worth losing years of friendship over? See the big picture, try to be the bigger person, and don't take the chance of tarnishing that friendship that you adore.


7. Be proud of their accomplishments.

Friends shouldn't get jealous of each other. Notice I said, shouldn't? It can happen, when they get something you wish you had. However, to be a better friend you must put aside that jealousy so you can be truly happy for your friends success. Be proud of what they've accomplished in life and show that support to them by being their biggest cheerleader.

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8. Pick up the tab.

Splitting the check is always an awkward conversation! Make it easy and take turns picking up the tab for one another. Smush out that awkwardness immediately just by planning a little bit ahead! Plus, it's always a nice surprise to find out you are getting a free meal and/or drink. Little gestures like this go a long way in a friendship.

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9. Tell them the truth.

In all things, be honest. Don't care for that dress that they are getting ready to wear for a night on the town? Let her know. Is your friend thinking about a new hairstyle that you know isn't going to compliment them and their style? Talk to him about it before it happens.

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While it can be a hard conversation to have, it's important to be honest with them about those type of things. Friends don't hide secrets. Your real friends trust that you will be 100% honest, even when they may not really want to hear the truth.


10. Be their ray of sunshine.

If you have a positive aura about yourself, shine that on others! Laugh a lot, smile a lot and give compliments to your friends freely. Being happy is a trait adored by many! If you can have a good time in life, your friends may follow suit.

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Being a good friend is something that you should strive for and be proud of. If you feel that you could improve a bit in some areas, check out a few of the suggestions in this series! The more you understand how to be a good friend, the sooner you can start to become one.

Follow my profile, @keciah, for more fun and helpful articles!


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