Check Excuses at the Door and Achieve Your Dreams

What is happening my Steem friend? Ken Melendez here with a video on excuses and how to overcome them.

As a family man, I have a bunch of excuses I could come up with. Currently, I have a beautiful wife and 2 kids at home, soon to be 3 this month. I'd like to spend every waking moment with them, but my computer career calls me away 6 days per week.

I then spend additional hours outside of my job creating vlogs like the one you are reading right now. Good news is... the additional hours I spend are not in vain. I believe with 100% certainty, that the information provided in these vlogs have the power to change your life.

I also believe that you and I have specific missions on this earth that we are called to. We have a mission and a responsibility to live up to our full potential. Do you know what excuses do to that calling in our lives? They slowly deteriorate our callings and make them seem insignificant.

The reason why you might not be seeing success right now on Steem or in your business, is because you are allowing excuses to overpower the reason why you started.

For me, I won't let the reason why I started vlogging be the reason why I quit. I want to provide for my family and be free from the bondage of financial struggles. I fully believe that Steem has that ability and will provide long-term for my family and for future generations.

I viscerally feel the pain of being away from my family. It hurts. But I'm doing it because I am pursuing the greater good. The greater mission. The greater calling.


Look at your life and the decisions that you are making. Are you letting excuses deteriorate your dreams? There are so many forms of excuses such as... I'm too young, I'm too old, I don't feel well, my kids are acting up, I'm tired, I'm hungry, the economy is bad, I'm broke, my parents don't support me, my spouse doesn't support me, I'm not good enough, etc.

Did you experience any negative emotions reading over that list of excuses? I sure did when I wrote them. I don't want to be anywhere near excuses like that because they pull me away from achieving my dreams for my life.

I'm in the current season of the Bachelorette with my wife... somehow I get sucked into that show. It's fun sometimes I guess. Becca is the bachelorette this season and her tagline is... Just Do The Damn Thing. I'm not one for swearing, but I realized the truth in that statement as it applies to achieving anything great in our lives.

That tagline applies to you taking action in your business and on Steem. Just do it! You have to be willing to sacrifice things that you like such as time with your family or throwing parties on the weekends in order to create a sustainable level of success.

Think of the potential you will live up to when you abolish those excuses that are weighing you down. Think about how many people you could impact all over the globe who need to hear your voice. Think about the level of long-term security that you could provide to your family and to your church or charity.


So here's the million-dollar do you overcome excuses? Here's the answer... You make the reason why you started BIGGER than your excuses. You think about how different your life would be if you just took action and achieved your dreams. You envision reaching the end of the finish line and being so proud of the person you have become in the process.

The energy that those thoughts give you will propel you forward into an unstoppable action-taking machine that won't quit for anything or for anyone.

Remember that your dreams are out there for you to grab, but you have to do your part. You have to play a role in your success story. You have to set an example for your kids and for your grand kids to follow.

Woo! I'm getting fired up talking about this!

I love you friend. I care about you, and I appreciate you. Go take action now and put in the effort. Achieve the dream that you were put here on this planet to achieve. I can't wait to meet you at the top of the next mountain you climb.

Until next next time friend, as always...You Are Awesome.

Take care.



P.S. You can do it. I know you can.

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