Honoring the Past Before Moving Forward - Wild Rose Acres Project #1 Revelation

Inspired by the donation of flowers I spoke of yesterday, I’ve decided that the first project we should dedicate our effort to will be restoring my grandmother’s flower garden to its’ former glory. I think it is fitting for the first endeavor at Wild Rose Acres to be something that honors the past before beginning something new.

I’d never seen the flower garden when it bloomed in all its’ splendor. My grandmother tended the earth when she was hale and healthy, but time had stolen her strength before I was old enough to remember it. Over the years, brush and bramble began to creep back among the cultivated rows. Weeds choked flowers and nettle covered the ground.

As my grandmother’s health declined, my family decided to honor her by clearing the garden once more. I remember my parents spending days weeding, hoeing, digging, and watering… until the brush was cleared and new flowers were planted once more. I remember the smile on my grandmother’s face. She was so surprised and pleased…

But eventually she passed away. Time slipped by and the weeds crept back in until the garden disappeared. All that is left is the patch of grass I photographed and shared earlier.

I think it’s only proper to begin this journey by giving back to the woman who started it.

It is also a project that will require more manual labor that financial assistance which I think is a good starting point for the homestead.

However, I am uncertain when I will be able to get back to the property (though hopefully it will be soon). Therefore, any SBD rewards / donations raised in the articles leading up to the clearing of the garden will be dedicated towards purchasing a multitude of new flowers! 

Any suggestions for plants may be left in the comments for consideration (perennial preferred, partial to full-sun, Zone 4)!

There will be many progress reports and before/after photos taken so stay tuned! Until then I will continue my personal development journey!

Follow @kiaraantonoviche

First photo from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.
Second photo taken by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared/reposted with proper accreditation.

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