"What's for Lunch?" Healthy Recipe Series #1 - Fruity Snack Balls (+ Fundraiser Update)

Remember how I mentioned earlier that we can set ourselves up for either success or failure depending on what we choose to surround ourselves with? That includes positive or negative people, healthy or unhealthy snacks, helpful or detrimental resources, etc.

Well lately I’ve been setting myself up for failure.

The Steemit community’s response and the support I’ve received so far have been a true inspiration… I’ve surrounded myself with people who will help Wild Rose Acres become a success (thank you)!

But my physical surroundings need to be supportive of my personal development journey as well! In order to give my 100% effort to Wild Rose Acres, I will need to be in peak physical health.Therefore I’ve decided to kick off my healthy recipe series!

Fruity Snack Balls

This recipe is for a delicious, vegan snack. I am far from a vegan… heck, I’m not even close to being a vegetarian at this point! But a long time ago, I received Vegan Cooking for Carnivores as a gift and flipped through the cookbook to get some ideas for my personal development journey. This recipe caught my eye so I dug through my cupboards and whipped up a snack!


  • 3/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 3/4 cup dried cherries
  • 1 cup dried mango
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 cup sliced raw almonds


  1. Run the first 4 ingredients in a food processor for approx. one minute.
  2. Add almonds and run food processor for approx. one minute again.
  3. Squeeze and roll 1 tablespoonful of the filling into a ball or disk.
  4. Repeat until all the mixture is used!

Makes 2 1/2 dozen snack balls.

My favorite part of this recipe is that any of the fruit can be replaced with alternatives! I’ve tried this recipe with raisins and dried apricots and it turned out just as good as the original!

There are only one downfall to this recipe - they were so good that I ate half of them in one sitting and got a terrible stomach ache! Learn from my mistake and pace yourself!

Try them out and let me know what you think in the comments! 

P.S. We’ve sold two “Full STEEM ahead!” t-shirts for our fundraiser! Thank you Lexie (@lscottphotos) and “anonymous” for your purchases and support! Only 13 days left until the fundraiser ends; 8 t-shirts needed to reach print minimum and 48 to reach goal!

Follow @kiaraantonoviche
Photo and recipe from Vegan Cooking for Carnivores by Roberto Martin.
This is a 100% Steem power up blog!

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