Tomatoes or Tomato’s – Freewill and Universal Basic Income.


Each of us is given this particular life at this particular time to experience such particular things which remain hidden to us, buried deep in our unconscious minds.

We are all pure, interconnected energy charged with latent possibility and whilst we come into physical form with a suggested to do list, in our back pocket, we are all wired to operate from freewill.

From the start our right to be our true self is systematically eroded by state and family as we are fed versions of truth as if they were the truth.

We are encouraged to colour between the lines and conform as inherited beliefs are cemented in our psyche along with an unhealthy dose of pesky self- limiting ones.

We are told we are individuals and fed fear and hate to create a lack of tolerance for diversity and suspicion for others.

Slowly our freewill is compromised as we are schooled into societies ways. And those of us strong or stubborn enough to maintain and exercise freewill are often judged misfits, failures, troublemakers, scroungers or worse.

We are marginalised.

I have read several interesting articles here recently on Universal Basic Income where it is argued that everyone should work and that UBI is an anathema to the economic system.

This got me thinking.

We are all on different paths. Not better nor worse. Just different. Thankfully we are not all cut from the same bland, beige bolt of cloth.

What if some particular people were not here to work in the conventional accepted manner. Would this really be so bad? Is our society and world so very poor and empathetically bankrupt that it cannot accommodate a small percentage of folks who are called to live a parallel life.

Why is it that so many are so intent on what others are doing and keen to compare and quick to conclude that their way is the only way.

Is it jealousy for the person who moves unencumbered by time and material constraints?

And, what truly constitutes work?

I would argue that the unfortunate person working in the sweatshop for pennies is adding less true value to society, and our world, than the unemployed cat woman down the road who compassionately takes in stray felines - showering them with love and spreading a little happiness.

Our world is a world of abundance and scarcity is a lie.

With the richest 1% in the world now holding more than 50% of the wealth I ask how much does any one person really need to live a decent existence?

Selfishness, greed, corruption and wanton materialism are rife as most people refuse to acknowledge that you and me are actually we.

And whilst activity is necessary for us all to feel that we are worthwhile does that really mean that we must all work in the conventionally accepted manner?

I think not.

With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :)




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