Lily's Smuggled Shipment: Gifts from the States

I'll keep her unnamed but a friend came through Acapulco on her travels and she delivered these items to me that I requested. It was basically down to what she was willing to carry and this was it.

We asked for this back when we only had the D3300 which isn't wifi enabled, so this is the adapter.

I knew she had experience with kava and she offered to bring me some paste to try. I'll write another post on kava, it's a nice thing worth sharing about.

These I asked for because honestly the flowers are all the rage in kombucha brewing right now. It starts off with blue tea but if you add anything acidic to it it turns pink. I'm going to grow them for the flowers, so stay tuned for that!

I immediately broke my lens cap to my first camera so I asked her to bring me some new ones.

The glass is a quartz piece that is hard to get here. I'll have to make a piece for it, now.

Scarlet Runner seeds are my favorite beans but unfortunately my beans went bad before I got any seeds grown down here, so I asked for some new ones to start over. The idea is to grow them out to increase the seed stock.

To the friend that brought all of this to me, thank you so much.

Did you enjoy this post? Check out the links below for more like this one!

Lily's Favorite Mexican Candy: De la Rose Peanut Mazapan Photo Shoot
Daily Adventures: Bright Green Lizards and Pink Sunset Skies
Adventures into Mexican Markets: Books

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Acapulco Sunsets: Sunset From the Beach
Blue Fumed Set for @modprobe
Adorable German Shepard Dog Rides Around on Scooter Photo Shoot

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