A thought worth 1000$: What If we are reborn...?

According to science we don't know if we have a soul, If we could pass that soul from us to other living things. Science is about facts and research, It only holds true the things we could prove practically, only weighs to evidence. So according to science, No, the reincarnation does not happen.

But what if when we die, everything changes to darkness, we can't see anything but a very faint light at a very far distant point.

What if when we reach that light, it is the light to a hospital room, where we are just born and we are crying because we remember everything from our past life, our friends, family, the struggles we have done and the achievements we have made, and we are crying at the fact that we died and lost everything.

But we can't tell anyone because we are too little, too weak to speak. We have travelled a gruesome path to return to life as we grow we start to forget our past life and focus on the life we have now, but pieces of memory are still in our mind and that memory causes deja vu.

Those awkward dreams we see sometimes, we  know everything was real, everything was true, we have lived that moment, gone through it, but when we wake up everything was gone, and we think of it as just another dream with no basis, but we know everything was true and it happened with us, but we can't remember anything clearly because we have focused too much on living this life, and the memories from past life are very blurry, vague to remember.

What If we are so much determined to do something in this life, because we regret not doing it in the previous life, what if it is the regret of our previous life that would come to our dreams if we sleep and that is why we want something so much that it does not let us sleep.

What if we spend our whole life working on our dreams and even if we achieve it, at the end, we still regret something not doing in this life, and after dying, we still have to travel again because of our regrets, to be born again. And this cycle continues until we are above our regrets and desires, and at that time, instead of rebirth, we go to a peaceful and sacred place and achieve inner peace, and that is the whole goal of us taking the birth at the first place.

Think about that for a second....

Also Read: 

1.  A Story That Will Give You Chills.

2. Time for Enlightenment: What is Karma?

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