Why I Love Social Media

Many think technology and our "addiction" to social media makes us less human and less connected. On the contrary, technology is what made us human, and it continues to do so today.

Today on this lazy Saturday morning, after a wonderful round of snuggling with my wife and youngest daughter, I lounged in bed with my phone checking my social media feeds. Here's what I experienced:

Live Feed of Women Marching in Nashville

A friend of mine was live streaming for the first time using Facebook. I got to see in real time how many people are downtown right now raising awareness for the proper treatment of women. Though I may not agree with this as the most effective form of activism, it was wonderful to see so many people together and interact in real time with my friend who was mainly there for the people watching. It was a fun experience and a valuable connection to someone I know online and see rarely at local meetup events. It was a real human experience shared via technology, and I'm so thankful for it!

Standing up to Sexual Harassment

Another friend of mine shared a very personal story of being "followed and sexually harassed by a guy at the train station." As devastating as this was to hear (she's doing okay, based on follow up comments), her response to this prick was awesome! She called out the abuser in front of everyone and was a true hero. The guy left her alone after that. In my opinion, she did more on that train to prevent future victims and correct asshole behavior than any number of marches. Here's the comment I left her:

I'm so sorry you experienced this. I can't imagine what that must feel like. It's literally beyond my ability to consider the constant stress of this potential abuse at any moment. I'm so very sorry.

At the same time, I'm so very proud of you! By speaking out, you are normalizing and promoting the power women have to stand up to these assholes. Social shaming, ostracizing, and (if required) defensive force shows these people their actions will not be tolerated. I'm hopeful you've saved many other women from this abuser as he now knows some women will stand up, fight back, and expose them to everyone. You are powerful, and you're showing it. I hope for a world where that power won't be needed in that way, but for now I'm thankful to see it expressed.

Our Unicorn Shirts Bringing Joy to the World

A spouse of someone I know through the conferences we sponsor shared this awesome picture of our FoxyCart t-shirts:

She snagged one from her husband and was clearly super stoked to wear it. That brought me so much joy to see, and we have never even met before! How cool is that! Here's the short conversation we had:

Recovering from Cancer, Brain Surgery, and Chemo LIKE A BEAST!

I also watched a short video of a friend of mine doing pull ups. No big deal, you might say, but what I saw filled me with joy, thankfulness, and hope. He spent 15 days in the hospital, underwent 3 MRIs and 2 brain surgeries, 6 weeks of radiation, and 4 cycles of chemo (he has more to go). This was his first workout in 7 months. And he was KILLING IT like a beast. His video helped me experience that moment with him, to share in that triumph and that hope for the future. I can't properly express in words how powerful and meaningful this is to me.

Social media is not the enemy to humanity. Like many things, it's a powerful tool which can be used for good or for evil. It can empower us or enslave us. The important thing, for me, is to use these tools (and all of technology) for increasing our wellbeing and enhancing our lives for the better. Social media can extend, enhance, and build very real relationships. Instead of a lazy morning by myself, I got to experience a wide range of powerful emotions while connecting with people and things I care about.

This is powerful.

This is wonderful.

This is a good thing.

What do you think of social media?

Previous #journal entries: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.

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