What's On Your Bucket List?


Hello fellow Steemians. Just a quick post today as time is short and things need doing.

A few days ago I posted about a parachute jump I did a while back - here - and mentioned my bucket list. For those that may not be aware of the term bucket list and what it alludes to it is basically a list of all that you wish to do/achieve before you die. It was popularised by the 2007 film of the same name starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.

That set me to thinking what other Steemians may have on their bucket list or maybe there is something people have already ticked off that others might want to hear about. I would be interested to find out so why not comment below and lets see if we can get a conversation going.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

My other posts you may be interested in:-

My first attempt at digital art

How too much news may not be good for us

How dogs can help us

Another how dogs can help us

A personal experience of Aspergers syndrome

A trip to the historic island of Lindisfarne (Holy Island)

My introduction post

Until next time - take care of yourselves.

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