TGIF = Tyrannosaurus Gone Irreparable Fetid

This might be a sign of me getting old, it very well might be. But, every time I watch a revived franchise I absolutely hate it, I hate it. It almost ruins my memories of the original movie to the point were I'm upset no one has come up with a movie unwatcher. (million dollar idea right there)

img credit: Jurassic World Movie

I know what everyone is going to tell me, I know. "You are taking in it too serious, its about dinos and running and fun" - Yes, I know it is, but I think logic should also come into the mix. After all, if you are going to make some pizza and call it pizza, you must include cheese and flour.

But, because I want to make sure people know what I disliked it so, and why I think its not worth watching, I will tell you precisely the movie sins that this "blockbuster" committed. Why? Because I may avoid eroding a pleasant childhood from a pre-millennial like myself.

In no particular order, here are some things the movie wants us to accept:

  • Dinos stayed in the island the whole time, even though there were flyers and prehistoric whales
  • All the Dinos continued to be females, yet they kept on making babies
  • You could do a blood transfusion dino-dino because they are both predators??? WHAT??? So, I can take the blood from a tiger and put it into my cat? Come ON!!!!

Ok, I know, I know.... Maybe those things were not important, but I'm telling you, I'm getting old and I'm pushing back on change these days. I wonder if this is how @meno becomes more conservative? hrmm that is possible.

Anyways, here is the deal, don't watch it, but if you are going to watch it, don't pay for it, do whatever you can but watch it for free, don't finance sacrilege and illogical things like this, just don't do it.

I'm curious though, am I alone on this one? Am I the only one that thinks this movie sucked?

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