Special Edition of Songwriter ShopTalk co-hosted by Zipporah - Full Recording

It was a very special night my friends. It happened as it simply had to, no real plans just a playlist and a Zippy who had just gotten home from working. About thirty minutes or so in @krystle showed up and joined us on air too. Honestly, I had a blast, It felt good to talk about life, listen to some tunes and feel grateful for the community we have.

I won't say more, I recommend you just listen...

Full Recording

A Giant thank you to everyone that came

It was a special night indeed. If you are wondering how does this all work, how do you participate of these amazing shows. The answer is quite simple, you need to get into MSP/PALNET and become part our amazing powerful community.

Until next time my friends

• Special Edition of Songwriter Shop Talk Tonight
• Time to get even more serious peeps
• Money where my mouth is - Celebrating 7k SP
• It's because I'm afraid to die
• Putting on the Thinking Cap

3 columns
2 columns
1 column