Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes - #4 Inspiring/Encouraging Quote from Will Smith - The First Step

Daily Inpirational/Motivational Quotes - #4
Inspiring/Encouraging Quote from Will Smith
The First Step
Daily InpirationalMotivational Quotes InspiringEncouraging Quotes #4 Will Smith - The First Step.jpg

The average person likely knows who Will Smith is.


However, in case you don't know who he is:

Willard Carroll Smith Jr. (born September 25, 1968)[2] is an American actor, producer, rapper, and songwriter. In April 2007, Newsweek called him "the most powerful actor in Hollywood".[3] Smith has been nominated for five Golden Globe Awards and two Academy Awards, and has won four Grammy Awards.

Will Smith has had a hell of a career. I can remember listening to "Parents just don't understand" and watching "The Fresh Prince" in elementary school. He's done quite a few things. He's also done most of them well.


Back then of course I didn't realize he would have such a full and rewarding career. When i first saw him in a serious role I wasn't sure what to think but he pulled that off pretty well.

Here is a guy that has had the life he wanted. He has truly shaped his own life the way he wanted it to be.

The quote for today is a tidbit from Will that I believe many can gain from:

"The first step is you have to say that you can."

No matter what we do in life, we have to first believe that we can do it! It doesn't really matter what it is.

This world has become quite interesting.

From electric cars, to upcoming trips to the moon, even blockchain technologies. There are people everywhere doing unbelievable things. Many of them even make it look it easy!

Tesla Electric Car.jpg

Although, it doesn't have to be something unbelievable. It can be something quite simple like asking for a promotion or learning a new skill.

All of it takes the same first step. You have to believe you can do it.

If you tell yourself all the ways it will be hard or impossible for you then it will be.

I don't care how hard something may seem, or people may tell you it is, it doesn't have to be.

No one that has ever accomplished anything, big or small, has done so by believing that they could not do it!

Many of us do this to ourselves all the time.

defeated I can't.jpg

We think of something we want and then convince ourselves that its out of reach for reasons like:

-We aren't rich enough.
-We aren't beautiful enough.
-We aren't smart enough.
-We weren't born in the right family .
-We didn't grow up in the right area.
-I don't deserve it.

I'm just going to let you know once and for all...


If you want to have more money, tell yourself that you can get it!
If you want to be more beautiful, believe that you are beautiful!
If you don't think you are smart enough, remind yourself of the things you do know!

You can't only say it once either. There will be many things in your way that will challenge the validity of your new found statement.

You must continue to say it until you believe it!

My dad always used to say "Can't died in the poor house."

I always pictured a run down shack.

can't died in the poor house.jpg

It wasn't til I was older before I really understood it, but how true it is!

If you believe you cannot do something, you won't do it!

The word can't is so powerful! It can leave you helpless if you let it.


The next time you utter that despicably limiting word, "can't", stop yourself right there. Backup and start over, remind yourself of what you are doing to yourself by saying that.

Then stand up throw your fist to the sky and overcome! Because the only thing that you cannot do is give up!

And remember what Will Smith had to say about it:

"The first step is you have to say that you can."

Thanks for reading.
Michael David

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