Five minute free write - California (a slightly sunnier moment)


This morning I decided to give the Five minute free write exercise a double write. I'm trying to shift my mood from the doom and of a cloudy cool morning in the city into something a bit warmer and more California. With the stuff I'm going through it's hard, but I figure I'd give it a try :) Mindset, positivity, that kind of thing. After all, I have a couple meetings today with potential clients. I just need a lot more, hehe.

A place of dreams.

Streets filled with the hustle of life. Non-stop the energy flows. Night, day, morning, afternoon, evening, it pulses. Life. Life. Life.

Each person filled with an urge to look up. To move forward. To think big. Never-ending dreams of being the person who they always wanted to be.

Never before have I felt the unwavering committment by all to live. Hidden in the shadows failure looms, but those who live here are too busy looking forward. Moving forward.

Many come here to live a life of dreams.

Few achieve. But all try. There comes a point where you must come to terms with what this place is. It is not a holy-land to make pilgramage to, it is not for the chill, it is not for the lost.

Without point, there will be a moment where are forced to see the truth and either be sharpened by the flow of this city, it's boundless electricity that refuses to be harnessed except by those with a strong hand, or be blunted into a dull form.

The warm sun, soft sandy beaches, glorious views, belong to those who earn them here. The balance of success and failure shifting in a never-ending dance. Stay or go. It is not a choice for some.

Hope you enjoyed this quick free write. And, as always, would love to hear what you think. :)

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