A Transgender Royal Princess - Too hard to accept?

  Being a painter has its charms, one of them being that one can always be openly expressive about the provocative social issues. The level of abuse transgenders face is embarrassing. While legislation does exist for protecting them from having to put up with it, this has not been enough for changing the perceptions and attitude of people towards them.  

Who are transgenders?

  Transgender or the third-gender are normal human beings (just like you and me!) who have a mismatch between their gender-identity (one’s personal sense of being a man or woman) and assigned gender.  

"There's a gender in your brain and a gender in your body. For 99 percent of people, those things are in alignment. For transgender people, they're mismatched. That's all it is. It's not complicated, it's not a neurosis." - Chaz Bono

  Being a transgender is as natural as the process of reproduction and it is reasonable to not fit in a particular body. They are bullied and harassed since their childhood and often, due to social stigma and in the fear of not being accepted or understood, they fail to come out and express themselves to their families and friends.  

Nobody chooses to be transgender and you can't just grow out of it, it's not something you can catch or pass on!

A transgender royal princess! Too hard to accept?

  I find it bizarre in this day and age people are still afraid of the unknown and feel they can abuse people who, they perceive, are different to them. Suffering hate crime grinds you down and causes anxiety. In many cases it can lead to people seeking a way out, which is devastating and this does not just apply to LGBT people but elderly people and members of minority groups in the region.  

  Trans people are the same as everyone else, our ideals in life are to be happy, to be respected, to be comfortable. The only thing needed from us is to remove the blindfold of prejudices for them. Everyone has a right to live their lives without fear or prejudice and let’s not take that away from them.  

I am a painter who likes to address harsh realities of life. You can see some of my work in the below links. Please visit my blog for rest of my work.

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