Alcoholic Stories #4: Adventures of a Drunk Security Guard (part 2)

Welcome to this series of poorly written alcoholic stories, exclusive for Steemit.

Previous post: Alcoholic Stories #3: Adventures of a Drunk Security Guard

Intro post: Some weird introduction to this weird guy

Picking off where we left at.. Welcome to the club

Having recently been promoted to a supervising club bouncer in a popular, yet cheap nightclub, my salary increased, but everything else was going totally downhill, working as a club bouncer you develop insomnia and let me tell you that alcoholism and insomnia together will fuck you up for good. I’d end my shift sometimes at 7 am, while been drinking my whole work shift, then continued to drink back at my dormitory. Sometimes I’d even forget to sleep, but as a young man I didn’t care too much. I went from 14hour work shift to 8 hour work shifts, that’s a big difference and I now had a lot more time. I re-connected with some old friends and we started well.. You guessed it, drinking.

Drinking rituals

I’ve developed new rituals, namely I found that I enjoy drinking a cold beer the most while I’m showering. Drinking and showering, what could possibly go wrong? Well for example tripping out of shower and falling with your head straight towards your toilet so badly that you actually crack it. Crack the toilet. That’s some next level stupid, right there. Reminds me of this one time me and my friends threw one toilet out of a balcony at one party... ah, good times. But don’t be fooled, we weren’t actually violent or rebellious, we enjoyed peaceful sit-downs and just speculate about how everything is so screwed (I wonder possibly why is that so? Could’ve it been the amount of alcohol? Naah, can’t be...) Next ritual is drinking before you go to bed, so that’s.. Uh, 10AM for me. And next step is waking up at 4PM and grabbing another can of beer. Some people like coffee, I liked beer.


Club bouncer.. not for long

Despite my struggles with alcohol I’ve always had a healthy sense of self-criticism and came to the realization that I’m simply just lacking self-discipline to cope with this life. So I enlisted to navy a year ago, about the same time when i first started the security gigs.. Despite the fact I had a lot of fun at club, this was taking a huge toll on my mental health and my time to serve the navy had arrived Going to leave my navy experiences for another time, a different story, but fast forward a whole year and I conclude that I’m really bad at taking orders, fuck that, reminded me way too much of school. So I’m out of the navy and need a job again, what do I do? Friend of a friend gets me another security gig: a security shift supervisor at a fancy hotel. It’s a done deal!

Glamarous hotel life

So now, being an experienced, certified, trained and military served security guard I’m working as a security supervisor at this fancy hotel, right mid town. We have few in-built restaurants, bars, casinos etc. Mainly attracts tourists and gamblers. Now the life at the hotel was really peaceful, but this was one corrupt place, none of the restaurant or bar workers were allowed to take home drinks or food leftovers, they had to be thrown away. The only one’s responsible for keeping track of that... were well, the security guards. Being the supervisor I made a sweet deal, they could take home as much shit as they pleased and they just shared their loot (being mainly on night shift, I was the last person they met). Got a whole lot of awesome things, free crates of booze, top tier restaurant dinners properly served on plates etc. Nobody ever checked the security tapes because nothing was ever reported missing. Things just worked. But I suppose this level of corruption is just the social norm in here, Eastern Europe. I didn’t have to worry about eating or having food anymore, I had a free gym and super chill colleagues, mainly young and inexperienced men like myself. Having all keys to the building I often visited the roof on sunsets with some female hotel staff and still managed to have a good time.

Source: Actual selfie. Took a photo of the camera recording in the security booth. That firm doesn’t exist anymore so I shouldn’t get into legal problems for that.

All these security gigs, while definitely built my character and tolerance, also started making me mentally numb, like really wouldn't care for things anymore. Not care for ethics, morals, law etc. That’s about the time I started talking again with the wrong crowd and soon I found that I’m not much of a keeper of law, but rather quite the opposite.

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More to come, maybe even today.

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