Breaking off from Repeating Patterns

We are all learning lessons in this so called journey of Life. There are times we notice that we keep going through similar lessons in life through different situations, Life keeps bringing us the same lessons again and again, and why does this happen. Universe has its own ways and means to teach what is required for our soul growth and until we learn what is required in that pattern we keep coming across these situations again and again till we learn them..

There are times we observe disturbances in certain area of our life and we term it as Bad luck, but that's a repeated pattern that we need to identify and rectify.
People observe repeating patterns in life; Like failure in job, Troubled Relationships, Lack of Finances, Failure in projects and can be end number of them including behavioral patterns like constantly getting angry, always worried about money, the nature of self doubting and so on. There are certain disastrous patterns that can almost ruin your life like the lack of faith in relationships. Things may happen in different ways but the end result is always the same.


If we can honestly confront ourselves and identify our weak patterns, what is it that keeps repeating for you; it would be simpler to work on them and get out of the repeating cycles. These repeating patterns can kills our spirits and hence it is very important that we confront them and work on getting out of them.

A fewtips that can help to break free from the rigid patterns:

- Release Fear and Focus on the present: When we identify our patterns the first important thing is to release the fear. We keep relating to the past and bring the experiences of the past in the present which messes up the present. The preconceived notions are playing the culprit and influencing the present. Before we even start we start thinking of the end result and the end result is somewhere already knitted in our mind based on our past experiences hence we are driving the whole situation in that direction. When we can detach ourselves from the outcome of the end result, we will also be able to get rid of the fear and that will help to face the situation without any perceptions and judgments.

- Go easy on yourself- We become too critical of our own selves at times and start blaming our actions being too hard and critical. It's ok even if right things didn't happen by you in past, that does not mean you keep punishing yourself. Most of us are good at forgiving others but not ourselves. We are too much controlled by our sub-conscious mind which keeps bringing the dark shades of our past emotionally gripping us in it. Mistakes will happen but when we learn the lessons and move on we liberate.

- Understand the root cause of the Pattern:It will be good to do so deep diving to the core of the problem. You will have certain common triggers in the pattern, like the starting point the way the situation starts. For e.g. if it is a relationship pattern. The beginning can be you get swayed off with a certain behavior and then as the reality reflects against the expectations things start getting messed up. When you can understand where and how it triggers it would be easier to address.


We all have high level of consciousness and we can bring any change to ourselves but the basic thing is realization and then rather then being a slave to circumstances if we can become masters of it we can create miracles for ourselves and release the obstacles in our path.

With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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