What is the Priority of our Lives?

A few days back I had my complete health check done. Thankfully the report is all positive except for a few gaps like the vitamin D and Ferritin levels which are lower than desired. I was very happy with my results as I did not expect it to come out so well also considering that 2 months back I had a surgery. Though it was not 100% ok but majorly it was good. So I was settled with it thinking that i will work on the diet part where I have deficiency for and not taking the deficiencies seriously.

Today morning I receive a message from my son saying Mom I have ordered some supplements for you which will help you in building up the deficient vitamins and with that he sent me the bill also. When I saw the bill I blew off as it was a very high amount. Immediately I called him and bombarded him that why the hell did he have to purchase all of this, it was so expensive and it was not so important. So he said Mom its for your good health, and is money so important against your health. I was a little furious at that moment so I did not think much to what he was saying. I was telling him I am not having any ailment as of now so why unnecessary spend so much so he is telling me this is not only for your present but will also help in long run. I was furious so my listening was little poor and I was going on with my own reasons telling him he does not value money and life has been so easy for him to take everything so lightly. And our argument was on and on and then I cut off our conversation as I was feeling too much drained out.


Later in the day this was running on my mind. Then I decided that i'll first calm down and not react so much to it. I was consoling myself by thinking after all it was just about some extra money going off from pocket against my good health.

Towards the end of the day when I got much calmer and I was reflecting on my morning conversation with my son I realized what he was saying made lot of sense. I was questioning my own self, What is the Priority of my Life? The answer was loud and clear, My Health.

I had got furious on him because I wanted to do some investments and now I had to shell out that money for the supplements. But to think of it if I do not stay healthy what will I do with all the saved money.

Many times in our lives we are doing this. We are not evaluating our priorities and things which are important for us well keeping a long term vision. We do not need to keep bothering about our future but we surely need to plan our future well. As we age up health becomes one major priority which to an extent a lot of us ignore unless there is some emergency situation that comes up. Little things we keep on hold thinking it may not matter much least realizing that this little problem can someday become a big problem if not attended to at the right time.

What may seem not very relevant now may be of a big impact in future. It is very important to evaluate our priorities in life and see what matters to me the most. I did realize that yes this little health care is necessary for me for a healthier tomorrow.

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My other blogs of Interest

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Sublime Sunday; A Journey in the Clouds
Vaccinations given in Schools; Do Parents have a choice?

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