Has Goldmoney's Aurum made the search for a central bank gold standard redundant?

Goldmoney® Aurum tech may have made the search for a central bank gold standard redundant.

Here’s how everyone on the planet can choose their money, even to create their own personal gold standard.

Before Goldmoney, there was no convenient way for an individual or business to choose to conduct their financial or commercial affairs in gold. Today, gold can be used for day-to-day transactions, in the same manner that we use fiat currency based cash, cheques, or credit cards.

Before Goldmoney, buying gold was both difficult & expensive, especially for people of limited means. The gold one owned had relatively little practical usefulness as currency to be exchanged for goods and services. Today, a gold-based payment system on an instant communication network enables the exchange of gold on the internet.

Goldmoney’s makes natural, sound, honest money  accessible worldwide, to rich and poor alike, within the regulatory system.

Goldmoney has revolutionized money.

Join the revolution.

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