WEEK 10 - 16 FEBRUARY. We celebrated the first adult decision of Darynka in "Liguminka" ... 7 original photos and the best posts by @olga.maslievich

Hi friends! Here's the week passed again! It depends only on us whether every next week of our life will be like a bright, original brick of a beautiful home of life!

Yesterday I went to a beautiful festive cafe  "Liguminka" to treat my girls a delicious cake in honor of the first independent decision of my youngest daughter Darynka :)

  Today I am again writing my weekly report, where I show my works, which is the best in my opinion. Here you can see many wonderful moments of my life... I think that you may have not seen everyone. Enjoy with me!

 Darynka decided to change the image :) Adult hair style of a little lady ... #Beautifulsunday

 7 bright moments of the Carpathian Autumn ... Original photos of wildlife by @olga.maslievich

 Hello! I want to meet you :) #Caturday

 Multicolored chrysanthemums of my autumn and a bouquet of my maturity :) #Flowerfriday

 #Cityscapephotography: The musical face of my ancient city Lviv

 A unique leaf of oak with amazing inhabitants on it! MacroPhotography by @olga.maslievich

Love flies in the air in the park of Ivan Franko ... We caught love! Photoshoot with air hearts by @olga.maslievich


Believe in yourself! Believe in Steemit! 

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