Our Kitty Betty’s Health Update

Our newest rescue kitty Betty fell from our 5th floor balcony to the sidewalk below a few days ago. This post is a quick update to her situation.

The vet messaged me that Betty could be taken home today, but it’s not all good news because Betty still isn’t eating on her own. It is our hope that she will eat in her home environment.

Since the first vet trip after the accident, and until just before Betty’s leg surgery she was getting fed food by syringe (I did that every 20 minutes for just small amounts).

After the successful pin and plate leg surgery it was determined that would not be insufficient food.

She has been staying at our vet’s clinic. Our vet also said that Betty had to keep her newly operated on leg as still as possible for a few days She must begin to eat of her choice or there will be other medical issues that develop.

By keeping Betty at the clinic, she was able to keep her leg still, and also the vet was able to tube feed her (force feeding), force feeding isn’t nice but it was the only way for Betty to get enough nutrition as she didn’t want to eat. She also has been receiving various other medications intavenously (by IV Tube) as well.

Our little girl kitty Betty is lucky to be alive still, and I am so happy she can come back home, I just hope that she decides to eat or she will have to return to the vet and we must be prepared for other dangerous issues.

I am excited to bring her back home, so is our other older kitty.

I am asking everyone who sees this post to please think happy thoughts for our Betty, and send happy healing vibes her way. If you believe in a god or higher power, I ask you to please ask for our special little girl Betty to make a full recovery soon. We haven’t had her for very long, but is already a huge part of the family.

My thank you goes out to all who read, commented, upvoted, and resteemed, my earlier post about Betty and the horrible accident that happened to her.

My original post about Betty and what happened can be read here:

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