How forgiveness can save lives

In my last post I wrote about how anger is bad and how we could control anger. Read here.
In today's post I'll be talking about forgiveness.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.


And we can all agree on what he said but in practice we seem to lose our temper and to lash out on each other in very petty situations.
But if we want to have peace of mind and calm, forgiveness is the key to that.
It is so rightly said by Buddha that, "To understand everything is to forgive everything".


Forgiveness is greater than revenge

Think about the times you were pissed at someone and you had to resort to revenge. All the planning and plotting and the final execution of your plan was always adding fuel to your fire of anger.
But after you had your 'revenge' were you at peace?
Were you satisfied with your shameful act?
Did you get peace of mind?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then I can't help you and this post isn't for you. All that anger has clouded your judgement.
But if your answer was no, read along.

Forgiveness gives you peace of mind

Instead of getting angry at someone and thinking of revenge, how about you let it go?
Forgive the one who bothers you and you'll be at peace with yourself.
Revenge can be fatal sometimes. It might not be intentional but it can hurt someone in other ways you wouldnt have thought about.
Let me tell you a story

James was always picked on in the class because he was very smart. Sam, who was the school bully did terrible things to him. He sometimes put James's head in the toilet or locked him in his locker. James was fed up and finally decided to take revenge on Sam. To do so James put some rat poison in his food which he knew Sam would snatch from him. And as usual, Sam are it. After a few hours, he passed out and he died the next day. Upon investigation, it was found out that James had poisoned him due to which he was put in jail for life even though he was underage. His life which would have been glorious owing to his intelligence is now hopeless.

And that is why my friends, revenge is bad.
Finally to summarize I would say that forgiveness is what makes us humans. We should try our best to forgive each other because 'an eye for an eye would eventually make the whole world blind'.

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